Documentary: How Gasification Turns Waste Into Energy

Turning waste into energy has usually meant incineration – that is, burning our trash. But this method has major environmental drawbacks. Gasification could be a better alternative. It’s an old technology that proponents hope to repurpose as a cleaner and more economical waste-to-energy solution, and now a number of companies in this space say they’re […]
Using Wood to Fuel a Generator! (How to Build a Wood Gasifier w/Demonstration)

I made this gasifier a couple of years ago now as a second attempt at the technology. My first attempt had a few bugs. The blower wasn’t able to move enough air, the unit was over-sized for the amount of gas produced, and the gas wasn’t cool enough upon exiting the gasifier, resulting in an […]
homemade gasifier uses wood pellets to run generator

Gasifier uses wood pellets to create flammable mixture that a generator can run on without gasoline. This video shows how it was constructed, how it works, and how to use it from start to finish. Great project for anyone looking for alternative energy or wanting to live off the grid. Just for some clarification — […]
Island Couple Turns Plastic Trash Into Fuel

This couple has figured out how to turn plastic trash into fuel. This seems like a gasification method used with plastic to heat them and draw flammable gasses off of them, then cool those gasses into a flammable liquid which can be used to power engines. Very clever.
Wood gas generator, gasifier gasification from The Colony
If you watched The Colony season 1 from the Discovery Channel you will remember that they powered a small engine from the fumes of heated wood. Is it possible? what’s your opinion? In this video, John the scientist explains how he is going to create a gassifier. skip to 7:39 if you like. PART ONE […]