The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

What do you think of this idea for an automobile?

An electric mini van powered by Lithium ion Batteries that recharge from solar panels and wind chargers on the roof of it. While the vehicle is in motion, it should charge right? Also Lithium ion Batteries can give you up to 250 – 400 miles per charge. So what would be the potential problems with […]

Mechnical, Electrical, Aerospace Engineering?

Well I am a shopmore right now in college and i want to work on space shuttles specifically new engine propulsion methods. now my school UCF does not offer the engine propulsion track but it does offer the three majors above. I have to declare my major by the end of this summer so my […]

Can electrical engines breath air?

The idea kind of provokes an image of the Caterpillar Drive in “Hunt for Red October”. But, that at least was water which is electrically polarized; and seawater, being heterogeneous is full of stuff an electrical engine can grab onto. But, I was making a point in another question on Y!A (below link) that I’ve […]

Future space related technology?

like super heated plasma, nuclear fusion, antimatter, ion, VASIMIR or new fuels that create better propulsion for longer periods of time. can you name any other new ones give me links or describe how each of these work and compare each of these to each other. THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Ion Lifting Platform Test showing ion propulsion system with weight offsets

Test Video of Ion lifting Platform. Strings on corners are below the device to hold it down so it does not fly away. Showing offset payload balance adjustment. Constructed by Scott Douglas Redmond. Mr. Redmond holds the issued patent on later stage improvments to this flight and propulsion technology along with the wireless electricity broadcasting […]

Magnetoplasmadynamic thruster?

I just recently came across this on wikipedia when looking at ion drives and I’m confused. From what I read this thruster takes the best from both worlds. It’s fairly efficient like most other ion drives but it also creates thrust levels comparable to chemical rockets. I haven’t looked to deep into it but from […]

Conceptual Mars mission using 3 VASIMR engines

This is NASA’s conceptual human mission to Mars using 3 plasma rockets (VASIMR), 3 nuclear reactors (similar to the reactors used on nuclear submarines). The reactors are extended on booms in order to minimize the amount of shielding required to shield the spacecraft. The large fuel tanks would provide shielding astronauts against radiation from the […]

can i use any of these to make a hovercraft?

Electrostatic ion thruster Hall effect thruster Electrodeless plasma thruster Field Emission Electric Propulsion would these give me the power needed to life me up a few feet in the air? they wont get me off thr ground huh? ok what about putting two small jet engines underneath something would that get me off the ground? […]

How to do a manned mission to Mars?

If I understand right, the most efficient way to launch a manned Mars mission is to start from Earth orbit – ie. you launch the crew and vehicle from orbit – then slingshot round the moon – this would require a significantly larger space station than the current ones… – which would also require a […]

Presentation & Principals of the Biefeld-Brown Effect

More commonly known as a “Lifter”… a simple structure (craft) of balsa wood, aluminum foil and copper wire is constructed. High voltage (20 – 30 Kv) is applied to the top wire creating the “effect” which causes the craft/lifter to spring or “levitate” upward. Tethering the Lifter provides for a more controlled flight. Among other […]

making a hovercraft with these is it possible?

Electrostatic ion thruster Hall effect thruster Electrodeless plasma thruster Field Emission Electric Propulsion would these give me the power needed to life me up a few feet in the air? ok what about putting two small jet engines underneath something would that get me off the ground? kind of liek a mini harrier fighter jet? […]

Will this perpetual motion machine work?

It involves two bodies with different masses in a enviroment where outside forces due to gravity are neglible. The smaller body, spherical in shape, is connected to a flat disc, resembling a compact disc inside the larger body (also spherical) by a small durable rod with mass that does not affect the system adversely. The […]

Help from the real nerds…phd’s?

Here are my choices: phd applied physics…(w/ emphasis in magnetohydronamics/cfd) phd mech. eng….(thermal science w/ cfd) phd applied science & tech…..(renewable energy) I want to work on the next generation of “powerplant” systems ie. new forms of motive transport/propulsion….ion, magentohydronamic, fusion, etc. please help me choose with your opinions

Ion Blower Construction?

I have an idea for building a simple ion “engine”, ,but cannot find any plans or instructions online. I plan to cut short lengths of copper pipe and wire them alternately positive and negative, mounted on an insulated board. it will look something like this: air in ——> (+) (-) (+) (-) (+) (-) ——-> […]

Physics has me stumped!?

I have this question and out of the 10 question problem set, this is the “easy” one that has me stumped: the space probe Deep Space 1 was launched on October 24, 1998. Its mass was 474 kg. the goal of the mission was to test a new kind of engine called an ion propulsion […]