Look at each nuclear equation below and identify whether it is alpha decay, beta decay, or fusion?
by Joost J. Bakker IJmuiden Question by Sara Beth: Look at each nuclear equation below and identify whether it is alpha decay, beta decay, or fusion? (a) Thorium-234 Proactinium-234+ -1 (b) Hydrogen+Hydrogen Helium (c) Uranium-238 Thorium-234+Helium-4 Best answer: Answer by David Buunka) Beta-minus (there is an electron emitted) b) Fusion (two atoms _fuse_ to one, […]
Pilgrim nuclear disaster drill to be assessed at meeting Friday in Plymouth
Pilgrim nuclear disaster drill to be assessed at meeting Friday in Plymouth Participants in a disaster drill that took place this week at the Pilgrim nuclear power plant will meet at 4 p.m. Friday to review their performance and the plant’s emergency response plan. Read more on The Patriot Ledger Opponents of Turkey Point nuclear […]
Is there enough uranium for the USA to power itself by nuclear fission only?
by /\ \/\/ /\ Question by louis: Is there enough uranium for the USA to power itself by nuclear fission only? If the USA wanted to, is there enough uranium in the US or in the world — such that the USA can generate all the electricity it needs by using nuclear fission power plants? […]
The Diablo nuclear power plant in Avila, CA.
Check out these NUCLEAR POWER images: The Diablo nuclear power plant in Avila, CA. Image by mikebaird In the distance, nuclear power Image by roadscum
Real Cold Fusion
How to reproduce this experiment The CFR project is a High Temperature Plasma Electrolysis fully based on the Tadahiko Mizuno experiment from the university of Hokkaido in Japan. This is a very interesting experiment and its implication can be a real breakthrough in the field of New and Clean energy source…. The enhanced CFR is […]
Anis Shivani: Bush’s ‘Decision Points’ Is A Terrifying Journey Into the Authoritarian Mind
Anis Shivani: Bush’s ‘Decision Points’ Is A Terrifying Journey Into the Authoritarian Mind Bush’s stunted moral development (stalled at about age fourteen, for a particularly unintelligent boy) is perceptible everywhere on the political landscape. Read more on The Huffington Post John Grant: Why not solar thermal energy? There has been a flood of interesting ideas […]
The element song
The location of the elements in the periodic table. Lyrics: There’s antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium, And hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium, And nickel, neodymium, neptunium, germanium, And iron, americium, ruthenium, uranium, Europium, zirconium, lutetium, vanadium, And lanthanum and osmium and astatine and radium, And gold and protactinium and indium and gallium, (gasp) And […]
Energy’s checkered past and elusive future
Energy’s checkered past and elusive future Every energy source is a Faustian bargain. We trade comfort and convenience for deforestation, soot, radioactive waste, oil spills. But perhaps the most unsettling resource we tapped to light our homes was the one that the petroleum age displaced: the slaughter of whales for their oil. Read more on […]
India welcomes US support for membership in Nuclear Suppliers Group
India welcomes US support for membership in Nuclear Suppliers Group New Delhi, Nov 8 : The Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, on Monday said India welcomes the decision by the United States to lift controls on export of high technology items and technologies to India, and support India’s membership in multilateral export control regimes such […]
Nuclear Power, a danger to our children
Just watch the video. Nuclear Power is clean, green, safe, and cheap. It is the silver bullet for carbon alternatives. Those who claim it is unclean or unsafe are ignorant and tragically misinformed. Antinuclear power groups are run by demagogues. Their intention is to get you afraid of what you don’t understand so they can […]
Searching for Plasma pt.1
Experiments with warm plasma electrolysis in potassium carbonate solution,using cerium and thorium loaded TIG welding rods,and misch metal(flint)electrodes. Special thanks to d3adp001 for a new direction. www.larouchepac.com
Can you help me identify weather the below equations are alpha decay, beta decay or fusion?
by Joost J. Bakker IJmuiden Question by Word N: Can you help me identify weather the below equations are alpha decay, beta decay or fusion? a. Thorium-234 Proactinium-234 + -1 degrees e…… is ? b.Hydrogen+Hyrogen Helium……. is what? c. Uranium-238 Thorium-234+ Helium-4……….is? Thanx a mill! Best answer: Answer by YATAAA !right – im not gonna […]
Bill Gates – the Nuclear Future
Some cool nuclear energy images: Bill Gates – the Nuclear Future Image by jurvetson
The Truth About A Taboo Subject: Nuclear Power Peoples Action for Clean Energy Annual Awards

A Critical Analysis of France’s Nuclear Power: France’s nuclear power program has long been hailed as a success story in the global energy landscape. However, a closer examination reveals a different narrative, one that challenges the notion of nuclear power as a sustainable and safe energy solution. In a recent address at the Peoples Action […]
Natalie Waples Female Fitness Champion Fission Power Bars
Natalie Waples Female Fitness Champion and iNutrition (www.inutrition.com) spokeswoman discusses Fission Power Energy Bars. New Power Energy Bars, http are all natural and they have Real Fruit. They have No Corn Syrup, No refined sugar and No trans fatty acids. The real fruit you get in Fission Energy bars include; strawberries, blueberries, apples and cranberries. […]
NRC issues finding on Limerick plant security measures
NRC issues finding on Limerick plant security measures The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued a minor finding to Exelon Nuclear’s Limerick Generating Station as it relates to the plant’s security measures. Read more on Spring-Ford Reporter & Valley Item NRC ruling leaves blended nuke waste study to Utah SALT LAKE CITY (AP) – The federal […]
Periodic Table of Elements Song
A song about all the elements in the world, featuring Blake and Ashleigh Mundell. LYRICS: Hydrogen and Helium Lithium, Beryllium Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen And number eight is Oxygen Fluorine, Neon, Sodium Don’t forget Magnesium There’s Aluminum for soda pop cans And Silicon for breast implants Phosphorus shines and Sulfur stinks Chlorine makes your eyes turn […]
How is nuclear fission used in nuclear power plants?
by Vattenfall Question by Logan: How is nuclear fission used in nuclear power plants? How is nuclear fission used in nuclear power plants. How do nuclear power plants work? It’s a paper for school. Do you have an suggestions for sites to use? Best answer: Answer by Bandagadde SFollow the below link to get a […]
Which generates more electricity, coal or nuclear fission power plants?
Question by MrProgramX: Which generates more electricity, coal or nuclear fission power plants? I was playing a game called “Eco Tycoon Project Green”, and in the game the coal power plants put out twice as much power as the nuclear fission ones. That doesn’t seem right to me, but is it actually true? Best answer: […]
Chem. Questions. The primary reaction inside stars changes?
Question by Lizzy B: Chem. Questions. The primary reaction inside stars changes? Cant figure these questions out at all please help! The primary reaction inside stars changes A. hydrogen to helium. B. helium to hydrogen. C. uranium to plutonium. D. nitrogen to carbon. Based on its location on the periodic table, an element that is […]