Nuclear Terrorism: Vulnerabilities & Solutions
Video narrated by Martin Sheen discussing the importance of beefing up security measures at nuclear power plants. Produced by Dan Hirsch, Kevin Petajan, and Michael Rose. Animation by Kevin Petajan, Meridian Media. Edited by Gary Evans/Kevin Petajan. Music by Eric Gosnell. Source animation material courtesy of Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition. For more information, go […]
a nuclear reactor uses: controlled fission, uncontrolled fission or fusion?
HELP! I need to know some advantages and disadvantages of using nuclear energy?
Just tell me 5-7 advantages of using nuclear energy. Thank you so much!
Why does Iran a country with one of the world’s largest gas reserves need nuclear energy?
Natural gas is used by the rest of the world for electric generation and is very clean and safe. It makes no sense for Iran to claim the need for nuclear energy. The only reason they must be experimenting with atomic energy is for the purpose of making a bomb.
Nuclear Reactors & Terrorism: Vulnerabilities & Solutions
Video narrated by Martin Sheen discussing the importance of beefing up security measures at nuclear power plants. Produced by Dan Hirsch, Kevin Petajan, and Michael Rose. Animation by Kevin Petajan, Meridian Media. Edited by Gary Evans/Kevin Petajan. Music by Eric Gosnell. Source animation material courtesy of Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition. For more information, go […]
Is it possible to build a nuclear reactor that is powered by nuclear fusion rather than nuclear fission?
What is your idea about using of Nuclear Energy in IRAN ?
Do you think that pacefull using of Nuclear Energy is porhabite in NPT rolls ? What is your idea about using of Nuclear Energy in IRAN ?
Society of Energy Professionals Applaud Senate Action on Budget Bill
Society of Energy Professionals Applaud Senate Action on Budget Bill Attention: Assignment Editor, Business/Financial Editor, Energy Editor, News Editor, Tech/Telecomm Editor Read more on Marketwire
Cornerstone Therapeutics Reacquires HMGB1 Protein Technology Platform
Cornerstone Therapeutics Reacquires HMGB1 Protein Technology Platform CARY, N.C., July 6 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — Cornerstone Therapeutics Inc. (Nasdaq: CRTX) (“Cornerstone”), a specialty pharmaceutical company focused on acquiring, developing and commercializing significant products primarily for the respiratory and related markets, today announced that the Company has reacquired all development and commercial rights to its high-mobility group box […]
update on the neutron experiment
why my previous intentions were doomed to fail – and what i’m planning to do about it. :-) ooops. i confused Cf-252 with Cf-254 – sorry about that! Cf-252 only undergoes SF to about 3%, while Cf-254 undergoes SF with almost 100% probability. the exempt quantity for Cf-254 is 1 kBq / 0.027 uCi.
Do the negatives of nuclear energy outweigh its positives?
do you think turning to nuclear energy is a good step for a country like Australia? What’s your opinion on nuclear energy?
’07 A-Whoop!
Image taken on 2007-04-28 21:17:46 by sarowen.
Why are we not focusing on nuclear power, the cheapest and cleanest energy source?
It costs less than a tenth of wind power.
What is the waste of of nuclear fission reactors?
I cannot find it in any textbook we are given for class TY
Sen. John McCain on nuclear energy
Senator John McCain (R-AZ) addresses ethanol, nuclear energy and conservation as keys to halting global warming.
Dan Durett Comments On Nuclear Power Plant
Dan Durett, Director of the African American Environmentalist Association New York Office presented testimony before the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on the License Renewal Application of Indian Point nuclear power plant located in Buchanan, New York
Nuclear power, clean and safe form of energy or disaster waiting to happen?
Leak forces Covert’s Palisades plant off-line
Leak forces Covert’s Palisades plant off-line COVERT – Palisades nuclear power plant is expected to resume operations this weekend after a forced shutdown on June 24 due to a leak of radioactive water inside the plant. Read more on The Herald-Palladium
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using a fusion reaction instead of a fission reaction…?
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using a fusion reaction instead of a fission reaction to produce energy? a.Workers are not in as much danger from radiation b.Hydrogen is used, the hydrogen is easily obtained from water c.No harmful waste products are produced d.Fusion reactors require less energy than fission reactors do.
If we decide to increase our use of Nuclear energy, what do we do with the additional waste?
Nuclear energy already supplies 20 percent of our energy. If we were to build my plants, how would we handle the waste? After all, it does have a half-life of 10000 years. Who would want it in their backyard? What place is safe from earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, and far from a population center?