The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

Norris McDonald Nuclear Power Plant Testimony

AAEA President Norris McDonald presented comments before the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission near Buchanan, New York on the Indian Point License Renewal Application on September 19, 2007.

Nuclear Power Safe? Obama and Congress take note!

For current information, check out Beyond Nuclear at NPRI – This energy source is not the answer. A selection of clips from the 30 min. video “Nuclear Deception”edited from a conference held in Chicago in 2004 “Nuclear Power and Children’s Health”, presented by Nuclear Policy Research Institute (NPRI), Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS), […]

Gundam Seed Destiny: Force Impulse vs. Freedom (Full Fight, No Filler)

High Quality Link Technical Specifications Model number: ZGMF-X56S/α Code name: Force Impulse Gundam Unit type: prototype multi-mode mobile suit Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau Operator: ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty) First deployment: 2 October CE 73 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso using YFX-M56 Core Splendor Dimensions: overall height 18.41 meters Weight: […]

Alex White Plume at Slim Buttes on the Pine Ridge Reservation

Alex White Plume speaks before the courtroom delegation surround the on going Uranium Mining Case in which the Lakota of the Pine Ridge Reservation are challenging the largest uranium company in the world, Cameco Inc (of Canada). In attendance are Judges from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, lawyers for both the tribe and the corporation, NRC […]

Reactor Simulation

Simulation of a fission reactor using ping pong balls and mouse traps and the effect of control rods – 8th grade science project.

Why don’t Americans get it about clean energy?

Obama hit the nail on the head. Clean energy is Wind and Solar. Coal, Gas, and Oil must be eleiminated from our energy diet. Hydroelectric power destroys habitat and Nuclear is downright dangerous. Wind and solar are everywhere so this will be no problem. Our future will be secure in cleanliness and safety.

NRC Questions Westinghouse Reactor Design

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has questions about the a design by Westinghouse for a new reactor. Regulators say the AP1000 doesn’t meet some safety standards. Meanwhile, 14 projects have been put on hold until Westinghouse can prove otherwise. Clean Skies News’ Executive Editor Margaret Ryan has more.


Image taken on 2009-05-13 21:54:37 by carrierdetect.

how is nuclear energy bad for the environment?

ok i know nuclear is clean and everything, but this is for a debate topic and i know there’s something about the radioactive waste and stuff so wat else is bad about nuclear power that is environment related?

Nuclear power picks up steam in Indiana

Nuclear power picks up steam in Indiana For the first time in his career as the state’s top expert on future energy needs, Doug Gotham is getting serious questions from state lawmakers and others about nuclear power plants. He thought he’d never see the day. Gotham was just a kid when nuclear power suffered its […]