Can you tell me wether each of these nuclear equations is alpha decay, beta decay, or fusion?
by PAVDW Question by casey c: Can you tell me wether each of these nuclear equations is alpha decay, beta decay, or fusion? a. Thorium-234—>Proactinium-234 + -1 b. Hydrogen + Hydrogen —> Helium c. Uranium-238—>Thorium-234 + Helium-4 Best answer: Answer by Tarraa. beta decay (electron or positron is emitted) b. fusion (nuclear fusion is the […]
20110630 Pro Nuclear Power Demo092
A few nice NUCLEAR POWER images I found: 20110630 Pro Nuclear Power Demo092 Image by JamesReaFotos 20110630 Pro Nuclear Power Demo012 Image by JamesReaFotos
TEPCO Claim of -No Fission- in Fuel Pool _ and Lack of Radiation Monitoring in Fish
Arnie Gundersen Discusses Current Condition of Reactors, TEPCO Claim of “No Fission” in Fuel Pool, and Lack of Radiation Monitoring in Fish From: Arnie Gunderson is one of the best experts I have heard talking on this subject. Please Visit his website and donate. Fairewinds is a non-profit organization. Video Rating: 5 / […]
Why does fusion release more energy than fission?
by Sumit Question by NinjaSushi: Why does fusion release more energy than fission? Why does fusion release more energy than fission? A) Because fusion is easier to do B) Because fusion occurs at lower temperatures than fission C) Because fusion creates extremely stable nuclei from extremely unstable nuclei D) Because fusion consumes too much energy […]
What is your opinion on using nuclear energy for decreasing our dependency on petroleum?
by Third Way Question by : What is your opinion on using nuclear energy for decreasing our dependency on petroleum? My Chemistry professor wants us to write an essay on this topic but I don’t understand. He didn’t explain much of this. Is there any bad effects that come with decreasing our dependency on petroleum […]
Beautiful Clean Energy Nuclear Power Plant photos

Some of the most beautiful photos of Nuclear Power Plants. Safe, Clean nuclear power.
Journalists given tour of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan
Nuclear workers are making painstaking progress at Japan’s crippled Fukushima Daiichi atomic power plant more than 11 months after last year’s devastating earthquake and tsunami. Intel Hub Podcast #12 Popeye speaks to Christina Consolo AKA the RadChick about the leaking nuclear power plants in the United States of America and solutions. The next day Christina’s […]
Nuclear Reactor
Check us out at A nuclear reactor is a device to initiate, control, and sustain a nuclear chain reaction. The most common use of nuclear reactors is for the generation of electrical power (see Nuclear power) and for the power in some ships (see Nuclear marine propulsion). This is usually accomplished by methods that […]
Compare the energy released in fission with the energy relased in fusion?
by inyucho Question by Birdy_08: Compare the energy released in fission with the energy relased in fusion? Compare the energy released in fission with the energy relased in fusion??? Physics related Question… Best answer: Answer by The WeathermanWell…we haven’t perfected the fusion process as of yet, which involves bonding protons and neutrons TOGETHER. And even […]
James Curtiss –NRC Commissioner (10/20/88-6/30/93)
Some cool Nuclear Regulatory Commission images: James Curtiss –NRC Commissioner (10/20/88-6/30/93) Image by NRCgov Edward McGaffigan –NRC Commissioner (8/28/96-9/2/2007) Image by NRCgov
The Wild Card PGRE Warning to the Whitehouse. Nuclear NRC USGS Lie! Floods
US NUCLEAR REGULATORY RUN BY BAFFOONS! Michigan Oil Spill next to the closed Solar Planet in Battle Creek Michigan 1 foot new water NASA in Ocean = 2 feet on Land. Earth Undone DVD Have a Plan ClimateSecurity 2030 is The 2011 Report NOW BBC News out of Washington DC MUST SEE […]
“No Happy Ending”: Nuclear Experts Say Japan’s Crisis is Intensifying, Sparks Global Alarm. 1 of 2 – Japan’s nuclear crisis is intensifying. A second reactor unit at the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station may have ruptured and appears to be releasing radioactive steam. The plant has been hit by several explosions after a devastating earthquake and tsunami last Friday damaged its cooling functions. It has sent low levels of […]
A few nice fission energy images I found: ONE OF THE MOST IGNORANT TESTS EVER–NOT MY PHOTO Image by roberthuffstutter
Nuclear Fusion
(i) Atomic energy is generated by splitting nuclear substances such as the atoms of uranium, thorium, cheralite, zircomium under controlled conditions. Splitting of these atoms gives out lot of energy which can be used for a variety of purposes such as generating electricity. (ii) In modern times, more and more countries are using nuclear energy […]
What are some of the direct uses of nuclear energy fission?
Question by freakygirl5767: What are some of the direct uses of nuclear energy fission? Best answer: Answer by StateOfTheUnionPowering boats like aircraft carriers and submarines. Producing radioactives for medical uses like Technesium99 which is injected into patients to do bone scans. Possibly used as a starter system for nuclear fission reactors (though this is a […]
Can a high voltage arc be drawn underwater?
Question by Joseph C: Can a high voltage arc be drawn underwater? I have been doing alot of experimenting at school with electricity, especially with the “Cold Fusion” process which to me is fascinating. I have wondered if an HV arc can be drawn underwater using a HV transformer (neon/flourescent light transformer) using around 9K […]
Arnie Gundersen- Fukushima’s Impact on the Oceans 2/4
Gundersen on EcoReview Fukushima’s Impact on the Oceans original upload here. (I cut a little out because it was “old news” to people who have followed along with Arnie.) credits Uploaded by junebloke on Dec 28, 2011 Tags in Japanese 放射線放射線測定ガイガーカウンター放射能被爆低線被爆被爆症状[NOTE: Half-life is the time taken for a radioactive substance to decay by half.] […]
The greatest threat posed by a nuclear (fission) power plant is:?
Question by Red O: The greatest threat posed by a nuclear (fission) power plant is:? The greatest threat posed by a nuclear (fission) power plant is: a.Release of radioactive isotopes when the molten core reaches the water table. b.Fish kills resulting from use of local rivers for cooling. c.Having the core melt, ultimately reaching China. […]
Can someone PLEASE identify each nuclear equation below where it’s Alpha decay, Beta decay, or Fusion?
by Joost J. Bakker IJmuiden Question by night_princess8: Can someone PLEASE identify each nuclear equation below where it’s Alpha decay, Beta decay, or Fusion? A – Hydrogen + Hydrogen -> Helium B – Uranium-238 -> Thorium-234 + Helium-4 C – Thorium-234 -> Proactinium-234 + -1e Best answer: Answer by de5tiny06A – Fusion B – Alpha […]
What would a fission power plant look like?
Question by shall_i: What would a fission power plant look like? Best answer: Answer by Vala lot like throw up in a fish bowl, that is the best way to describe it scientifically speaking Give your answer to this question below!