What was Nikola Tesla’s most important accomplishment to society?
And how did it work? Direct answers please. Wikipedia links, etc., don’t help.
Do you believe the ridiculous, unfounded oil conspiracy theories?
What reason is there for someone to make up global warming?
Please dont just answer “its a lefty conspiracy” I understand that some people feel that way. I want to know what specific gain political or otherwise that someone would get by promoting Global warming if it was a hoax. Im pretty sure Al Gore is not running for the White house so I cant see […]
water as fuel 2?
if u want to know the price of changing the world look up stanley meyer….
Iraq War Conspiracy part 2 Petro Dollar
Oil War Iraq Sadam Conspiracy
Have you heard the “Conspiracy Theory” that the Twin Towers were brought down by a controlled demolition?
CLAIM: As each tower collapsed, clearly visible puffs of dust and debris were ejected from the sides of the buildings. An advertisement in The New York Times for the book Painful Questions: An Analysis Of The September 11th Attack made this claim: “The concrete clouds shooting out of the buildings are not possible from a […]
More storms on the horizon for BP
More storms on the horizon for BP Oil producers operating in the United States have a tough road ahead. U.S. officials are already demanding guarantees from all mining and extraction companies that there will be no repeat of the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Read more on Russian Information Agency Novosti
Is anyone looking into Nikola Tesla work?
They say Nikola Tesla was working on tower to tap into the ectricity from lightning or the ionosphere . Some say there is enough ectricity in one lightning bolt to run the US for 3 years.
What are some plausible conspiracy theories surrounding the Barack Obama Oil Spill?
Producing energy from waste WE all talk a lot about inflation, the high cost of living, energy crises
Producing energy from waste WE all talk a lot about inflation, the high cost of living, energy crises Faisal Shahzad is being called upon Monday to enter a plea to 10 terrorism and weapons charges. – (File Photo) NEW YORK: A Pakistan-born US citizen faces arraignment in New York on an indictment accusing him of […]
Started WFC at 0.5 Amp input again. WFC still leaking at the points where leads come out. Pl check the following links for replication info about this WFC: www.panaceauniversity.org (For the circuit use the pg.25 schematic but with individual ferrite core rods straight wound for the Inductors rather than a single rod and bifilar wound–not […]
Burning Question: Why Do We Still Have Power Cords?
Burning Question: Why Do We Still Have Power Cords? Radio waves, lasers, magnetic induction: There are plenty of ways to beam volts through the air. Sadly, none are as cheap, efficient, convenient or safe as a cord. Read more on Wired News
Panacea’s Free Energy Suppression production (Part 1, Segment 5 of 53)
Panacea’s FREE energy suppression documentary researcher’s edition. Over 5 years of research has enabled us to collect over 10 hours of data to illustrate how bad the problem is and justify ours or ANY proposed solution. Panacea’s FREE energy suppression documentary (researcher’s edition) is material intended to help the media publish the information to the […]
Is there an oil conspiracy with george w bush and some of his saudi buddies in creating a “new OPEC?
i had this question up but yahoo banned this question but i’ve seen that farenheit 9/11 and mike moore brings up a good point about bush and his saudi arabian buddies meeting up, i’m sure they planned these crazy gas prices and it’s really crooked how the middle class citizen has to believe this terrorist […]
Does/Should Christains concern themselves with worldly conflicts? (ozone, tree cutting, 9/11 conspiracy, etc)?
So many things going on in our world that can make a persons head spin. Should we spend time or focus our energy with items such as the 9/11 conspiracy, saving the trees/whales/etc, boycotting companies for supporting non-christian groups, or any other type of issue that has nothing to do with our own personal salvation?
what is the study of plasma and nikola tesla type ideas?
If i wanted to get into the study of plasma, electronics and engineering and do the kind of work niokla tesla was doing, what kind of things should i take and study while in collage?
What are Bushs ties to the oil industry ? Is there a good reason to belive beyond a conspiracy theory?
that he abused his presidency to push oil/gasoline prices, to benefit the oil companies and only the oil companies, with total disregard for the best interest of America and its citizens ? Plumber rock, they are the lowest in years now that he is in his 2 last months of office and they are still […]
The Tesla Conspiracy: Mark DeMucha Pt.3
Mark DeMucha is the son of a Los Angeles Police Department Narcotics Detective. This aided in his early interest in the science of investigation. Mark has been a religious educator, missionary, and student of theology. He joined the military and due to an injury, his career camr to an abrupt end. He then had the […]
Stephenie Meyer’s, Midnight Sun.?
I just finished reading the partial draft of Stephenie Meyer’s unfinished book, Midnight Sun. So far, it is amazing. When I was reading Twilight, I was always wondering what he was feeling knowing how hard and difficult it was for him. I wanted to know what he was thinking and feeling when he first smelled […]
Why did Nikola Tesla invent AC?
Why did Nikola Tesla invent alternating current? For what purpose was it made? Please include your source in the answer. Thank you!