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9 Responses

  1. No. I think that at some point the enemy might use all the information received from the media to their advantage. Some things are better left unsaid.

  2. media can pblish almost anything they want, unless it violates specific guidelines such as a person’s privacy (though that has been disregarded by a lot), and everyone has a right to know what is going on.

  3. Well it sure wasn’t a good idea for CNN to tell the world just how we were tracking Bin Laden through his satellite phone. But then again, the media loves blood, even if it is American blood that is spilled. Freedom of the Press doesn’t mean you should tip your hand to the enemy.

    If the media of today were around during WW2, they would have announce our plans of the D-Day invasion.

    People say “publish everything”, and “we have a right to know”…I’m sorry, but that is insanity. Why do people think that the US media doesn’t get broadcast beyond our shores? Should we know every military secret? Every strategy? Should our own defense be on the airwaves for our enemies to see?

    How about all those who want everything to be published start telling everyone where they keep the spare key to their house? Why not your PIN #, or credit information? If you are willing to protect your own information, why would you allow the Countries information to be shared with those who would kill us???

    Not only short sighted, but ignorant and foolish.

  4. The truth is something we are all entitled to. Who says what should be censored? If you think about it, the only people we lie to are children and people we don’t care about. Publish everything, allow full debate.

    The troops who go to fight have a right to know why – not just the story that gets them to go without question.

    If there had been more honesty and openness in the past by politicians, the public might have had a lot longer to make their case against some of the very bad decisions that have been made, supposedly ‘in the public interest’.


    PS Yes, I realise it would take an ideal world where all parties acted in the same way. But an ideal world isn’t a bad thing to keep in mind, is it? Lies, half-truth and cynicism breeds distrust and slows down reasonable debate and progress.

    PPS I’m also not saying that the media represent the truth – they often don’t, just an angle of it.

  5. no i think there are certain things we dont need published…why give away valuable information to our enemies

  6. Even in a free society such as ours,there are certain things the government needs to keep secret.Geraldo comes to mind when he drew a map in the sand on live t.v. to show in general terms where he was in Iraq.This could have cost the lives of a lot of service personnel.The publics right to know has to be tempered with the reality that such disclosures can and do cause irreparable harm.

  7. No, I don’t believe they should report on anything that could compromise our national security.

    Good question! Most people would have missed how that compromises our security. You’re a sharp cookie!

  8. In WWII press excerise self restraint when publishing stories.
    Now it has come down to get put it on the air.
    Anything for the rating points.

  9. I agree with you 100%. I think the press jumps the gun way too often by printing articles just to beat out the opposition. They print a story as the truth with only minimal facts not caring who they are hurting, or giving ideas to or even if the information is true or not. Let’s give the terrorists ideas on what to do next. They make whole broadcasts out of suppositions. What if this and what if that. It’s crazy. And the way they interview people who have just suffered a tragedy is outrageous, massing on their doorstep, microphones pushed in their faces whenever they attempt to go out. Maybe there is a little too much freedom of the press.

Do you think it is a good idea for the media to publish EVERYTHING?

In receiving the latest news from CNN Breaking News, via Yahoo!, don’t you believe this headline will just give possible terrorists stupid ideas?

WASHINGTON (AP) The Nuclear Regulatory Commission says it is unreasonable to expect operators of nuclear power plants to defend against terrorists crashing an airliner into a reactor.

I see it as freedom of the press, but I also think they should use common sense when putting out a headline such as the one above. How do you feel about it?