America has just found a source of fuel providing energy for millennia in California

America’s Future Energy Source: Green Hydrogen to Power the Nation for Millennia What propelled Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Dubai into global powerhouses? The answer is simple: oil. This non-renewable resource has been the lifeblood of these regions for decades. However, oil reserves are depleting, pushing the world to seek alternatives. Now, America has discovered […]
solar alternative energy | 951-553-1185 | Temecula California | 92596
951-553-1185 solar alternative energy | 951-553-1185 | Temecula California | 92596 What would you do with an extra 0, 0, 0, or more dollars every mo… Video Rating: 0 / 5
Kayak Shark Attack: California Kayaker says great white rolled him over
A California man said he may have survived an encounter with a great white shark because the fish attacked his kayak instead of him. Joey Nocchi, 30, of Paso…
CNN: Is A Nuclear Power Plant In Southern California About To Be The Next Fukushima
July 27, 2012 CNN
California Day 400+ Japan Nuclear airborne aerosols 131I, 137Cs, and 35S sadness
The Journal Environmental Science and Technology reports in a new study that the Fukushima radiation plume contacted North America at California “with greatest exposure in central and southern California,” Projected paths of the radioactive atmospheric plume emanating from the Fukushima reactors, best described as airborne particles or aerosols for 131I, 137Cs, and 35S, and subsequent […]
by Deepwater Horizon Response Question by Travis W: poll: DO YOU BELIEVE THAT THE U.S STOLE CALIFORNIA, AND NEW MEXICO FROM MEXICO??????? ? PLEASE READ MIGHT CHANGE PERSPECTIVE!!!!! I BELIEVE SO 100%. Even though they gave mexico 15 mil it was more like compensation. the u.s.a invaded mexico even went to mexico city and to […]
Q&A: MIP in california?
by Deepwater Horizon Response Question by Greg L: MIP in california? I’ve read through various threads about this but im still confused. First thing is that my citation doesn’t say whether its 25662 a or b all it has is 25662 BP or at least what looks like a BP. the writing is very faded. […]
California Pulls the Plug on Electric Cars
David Spady reveals how California preaches about using electric cars, but makes it more expensive for electric car drivers. ( ) Is this the next generation of the Lexus GS? When a automobile manufacturer launches a new car they often show it first to the press first. The car company provides reporters with video […]
California Hybrid Drivers Lose Car-Pool Lane Privileges
California Hybrid Drivers Lose Car-Pool Lane Privileges Starting July 1st, solo drivers of hybrid cars in California will see their special pass to the car pool lane disappear. Since 2004, hybrid owners with a special permit were allowed entry into California’s High-Occupancy-Vehicle (HOV) lanes even when driving alone. The special yellow key-shaped decals that denoted […]
The Oil That Lies Offshore California
The Oil That Lies Offshore California Last week I covered some of the early history of the development of the oil industry in California , and briefly mentioned the difficulties in integrating an ongoing oil industry into a thriving surface community. Read more on Business Insider Shipshape in Burlington Non-metalic bearings use sea water and […]
NASA experiments with California Earth Minerals ION-MIN Calcium Montmorillonite
NASA experiments with California Earth Minerals ION-MIN Calcium Montmorillonite Edible Living Clay Ionic Minerals on the Discovery Channel – Eat Clay, Live Well, Detoxify – Visit Video Rating: 5 / 5
N.C.A.A. Sanctions Will Take Toll on Southern California
N.C.A.A. Sanctions Will Take Toll on Southern California As the Pac-10 tries a bold makeover, the once-mighty Trojans are lurching into a new era. Read more on New York Times
News, music, movies, events & restaurants in Santa Cruz, California from Metro Santa Cruz weekly
News, music, movies, events & restaurants in Santa Cruz, California from Metro Santa Cruz weekly The Reluctant Mr. Clean First the Exxon Valdez, now the BP gusher. Denny Kelso, the Santa Cruz-based VP of Ocean Conservancy, is getting uncomfortably familiar with cleaning up oil spills. Read more on Metro Santa Cruz
Ott picks Larry Weis, California utility chief, as Austin Energy head
Ott picks Larry Weis, California utility chief, as Austin Energy head Ott picks Larry Weis, California utility chief, as Austin Energy head Read more on Austin American-Statesman
Why in California have they pushed us to conserve electricity only to have them raise our rates?
No joke, the government is pushing people to save electricity, which is fine by me. My electric bill is lower, but now I just heard that they’re raising rates again. So what is the deal? We all save electricity, the electric company’s revenue decreases and now they want to raise their rates so I have […]
Altergy Hydrogen Fuel Cell Powers California Christmas Tree
SACRAMENTO, California 12/06 — This Christmas season Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and the state of California establish yet another “first” by becoming the first state in the US to power its official state Christmas tree with a fuel cell system. The 6500 lights on the 55-foot white fir tree are illuminated with electricity generated by a […]
California closes 99%of Biofuel stations
Why? What good reason does California have for cutting consumers off of alternatve fuel??? Can we guess the gas companies have a hand in this? Join us thurs on frredomizer where Dave Acton and I will discuss this more and all current news:(
California’s Bad Chemistry
California’s Bad Chemistry The state’s new green initiative will raise costs, drive away business and do nothing to protect its residents. Read more on Forbes
Hamilton: Electric cars coming, but can California take charge?
Hamilton: Electric cars coming, but can California take charge? Lotus Land utilities are quietly “freaking out†at the prospect of dense clusters of vehicle owners wanting to charge up simultaneously Read more on Toronto Star
What are some hydroelectric dams in California?
I’m doing a research paper about hydroelectric energy and my teacher wants me to find a hydroelectric dam in the state that we live in; California. Also, if you could show me some good sites to get research that would help a lot. Thank you. :]