The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

Questions that make you question your common sense!!?

Question by ¤ » ♫Resundra♫ « ¤™: Questions that make you question your common sense!!? 1.What is a free gift? Aren’t all “gifts” free? 2.Life is hard compared to what? 3.Why is ‘abbreviation’ such a long word? 4.What is the probability that something will happen according to the odds? 5.When companies ship Styrofoam, what do […]

Bread making question for bakers?

by Vietnam Plants & America plants Question by lovin’ spoonful: Bread making question for bakers? I found the following recipe recently. I wanted some opinions from bread bakers – will this recipe work? Also have you ever made a no knead bread like this before? No Knead bread * 1 large bowl * 2 loaf […]

Is Kony 2012 FRAUD? Just Asking Questions!

Follow on Twitter: @ChrisWritingNow Related Article: This video does not claim to know these things for sure: I am just ASKING QUESTIONS. Only those who are insecure about the truth are offended by QUESTIONS! Is the Kony 2012 movement a fraud designed to justify another US military invasion into another country? With oil […]

Q&A: Oil spill stopage question?

by Podknox Question by Toni: Oil spill stopage question? i work for an oil company and we made an oops causing oil to spill. since it is summer i want to drive around on my boat and drink some beers instead of dealing with the oil spill. how is the best way to stop it […]

can someone answer these questions for me please?

by Sumit Question by msmithcc: can someone answer these questions for me please? 1. The O2 (diatomic oxygen) in the atmosphere a. was present since the earth was formed. b. was emitted by volcanoes. c. is the result of sunlight decomposing water vapor. d. was produced by photosynthesis. 2.A planet that consists largely of compressed […]

Atheists, can you answer these questions?

Question by Guy: Atheists, can you answer these questions? I can believe that the Universe could form without the help of a Supreme Intelligent Mind, I can also accept that the Universe could form by Big Bang. But it’s illogical to believe that heavy elements like Uranium, Plutonium, Thorium could form accidentally. They have too […]

Harper Questions NRC Inspector General About Yucca Mountain

US Representative Gregg Harper (R-Miss.) questions the inspector general of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) during a Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy hearing examining “The NRC Inspector General Report on the ‘NRC Chairman’s Unilateral Decision to Terminate NRC’s Review of the DOE Yucca Mountain Repository License Application.’” Video Rating: 0 / 5

Oil leak stopage question?

Question by nestboopsie: Oil leak stopage question? i work for an oil company and we made an oops causing oil to spill. since it is summer i want to drive around on my boat and drink some beers instead of dealing with the oil spill. how is the best way to stop it from leaking. […]

Q&A: Oil spill stopage question?

Question by Toni: Oil spill stopage question? i work for an oil company and we made an oops causing oil to spill. since it is summer i want to drive around on my boat and drink some beers instead of dealing with the oil spill. how is the best way to stop it from leaking. […]

May I have your opinion for this “Polls and Surveys” question?

by fensterbme Question by Samurai Hoghead: May I have your opinion for this “Polls and Surveys” question? The question requires simply “agree” or “disagree” for an answer. I apologize, but I have a stalker (how flattering) and I must chose my words carefully when asking or answering, lest the censor strikes… I have no political […]

Railroad Commission questions ERCOT, energy industry performance

solar panels on Nellis Image by Gravityx9 Railroad Commission questions ERCOT, energy industry performance Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst has said that a lack of adequate weatherization was the main cause for the power plants to shut down Read more on Corpus Christi Caller-Times Texas powering up for next blast of cold share: digg facebook twitter […]

Solar Sail physics question?

by PhOtOnQuAnTiQuE Question by Kevin S: Solar Sail physics question? A solar sail allows a spacecraft to use radiation pressure for propulsion, similar to the way wind propels a sailboat. The sails of such spacecraft are made out of enormous reflecting panels. The area of the panels is maximized to catch the largest number of […]

obmaba oil spill junk shot top hat question?

by Coyote2024 Question by nestboopsie: obmaba oil spill junk shot top hat question? obmaba oil spill junk shot do he? why he no do the top kill work? do he top hat work to stop the oil? do he how he why he do junk shot? Best answer: Answer by tonalc2It is not Obama’s oil […]

Chem. Questions. The primary reaction inside stars changes?

Question by Lizzy B: Chem. Questions. The primary reaction inside stars changes? Cant figure these questions out at all please help! The primary reaction inside stars changes A. hydrogen to helium. B. helium to hydrogen. C. uranium to plutonium. D. nitrogen to carbon. Based on its location on the periodic table, an element that is […]

Britney Spears POLL 15 questions about Brit (haters not allowed!)?

by BP America Question by : Britney Spears POLL 15 questions about Brit (haters not allowed!)? This is just for fun, for all us Britney fans out there :) Answer these: 1. What is your favourite Britney… a) music video b) song c) album d) movie / TV show guest appearance e) tour 2. What […]

Some science questions?

1. Which of the following statements describes the interaction between magnetic poles? (1 point) Like poles attract each other. Like poles repel each other, and opposite poles attract each other. Opposite poles repel each other. Like poles attract each other, and opposite poles repel each other. 2. Which of the following statements is true about […]

Questions about Nikola Tesla?

Anyone able to tell me anything about Nikola Tesla Where would we have been without him? What inventions would have been impossible without his? Tesla’s top 10? inventions? Just don’t link to wikipedia or so :D Thank you!!!