The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

What makes a region suitable for solar power?

I live in the Persian Gulf region and I often hear that this region is suitable for solar power generation. What measures are critical to knowing whether a region is suitable for solar power? Is the UV index a good gauge? What about cloud cover and dust cover?

what is the cost of a solar system sufficient to run my meter backwards?

I am looking for the cost of an alternative solar power system which will allow my home to run independent of the power grid. What is the approximate ROI? Not looking to remove myself from the grid completely, but to be able to generate enough to have a total billing from the power company close […]

how to solar power for my house and where to get eqipments in India?

Hi, I already have a battery powering by house in case of power outage. I want to connect that battery to solar power so that i can reduce the consuming of electricity and save environment. Where to get equipments and how much will it cost for me? I am from Salem, Tamil Nadu, India.

Chevron Tests Solar Technologies at Project Brightfield

The aim of Project Brightfield, in Bakersfield, Calif., is to find out how well next-generation solar technologies perform over three years. Chevron installed a field of solar panels on a site that was once a refinery. The project will test the effectiveness and durability of solar technologies side-by-side over time. But the project has other […]

Why not use a solar panel to produce Browns Gas (HHO)?

Stanley Meyers used a process to split Hydrogen /Oxygen from water. It seems that everyone agrees that this can be done by inducing an electric charge in the warter there by spliting it into HHO ( Browns Gas ) So why not use solar panels to produce the electric charge into the water? It seems […]

Solar Power – Solar Panels – Solar Powered Carport

Solar Power Carport, LifePort – Solar Power from Envision Solar. Power your Electric Vehicle, Sell Solar Power Back to the Grid. Thin Solar Panels produce 4.8kW minimum solar power output. Eco Friendly, Green Energy Savings.

DIY Solar Panel System Cost SolarDave: Please tell me about your solar panel system and how you saved some money? Adam Stevenson: The total of the system and materials was $22K. I ended up spending about another $1800 in permit fees and a structural engineer and $400 for an electrician, several hundred dollars for a guy to come help […]

How I Use Solar Wind Energy To Power My Home – How I Use Solar Wind Energy To Power My Home Solar and Wind Energy Beating Rising Costs | Alternative Power … My readers wrote me and asked: With so much talk about renewable energy, solar … Solar and Wind Home Generating Energy Systems. – product review … Informtion on how to combine solar […]

How much does it cost to make a solar power/energy station?

I am doing an assignment and I need to know how much does it cost to make a solar power/energy station because the internet doesn’t give me a lot of answers its all about homes not plants and stations. So yeah if you can help me with my question thanks.

solar power alternative energy photovoltaic cell panel help explanation?… could somebody please give me a good explanaton of the process illustrated…I need it for a presentation but I don’t really understand the whole charge controller/inverter/battery thing cheers also if you can answer that, you probably know the answer to this too. What are current widespread and tested applications of solar power? thanks