The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

Solar, Wind-Powered ‘Seagull’ Streetlight by Panasonic

This is one of the solar and wind-powered streetlights at the panasonic center in tokyo. a battery in the base stores power generated during the day, and a high-efficiency bulb illuminates the area during the night. More information about this product at

World’s First Solar Sail Photographed in Deep Space

World’s First Solar Sail Photographed in Deep Space The world’s first solar sail, the unmanned Ikaros spacecraft built by Japan, shines in new photos taken by a tiny space camera during a deep space photo session. Read more on

Where can I buy solar pannels for my electric/hybrid car?

Where can I buy some sollar pannels to put on the roof or on the hood of a car? The car I have right now, is a total junk. It’s a gas and it’s totally sluggish, plus it’s old so it smells like shit. I’m seriously thinking about buying an electric vehicle or a used […]

Can solar panels to heat pool be used for other household purposes?

Hi there, my father just bought a house that has solar panels on the roof to heat the water for his pool. The water goes through pipes by the panels and flows back into the pool. I was wondering if there is any way to use that solar energy for other areas of the house. […]

How much will solar panels cost to power our home?

It would be nice to go green but it needs to make sense money wise. We have a 1,300 square foot home on the beach home with plenty of sun. Our electric bill is 100 bucks a month give or take. How much will solar panels cost and how many solar panels will we need […]

HOME-MADE: LOW COST august 2005 PHOTOVOLTAIC. Planning and production of photovoltaic for Africa’s country by San Giacomo Research Center (UOR – Unità Operativa di Ricerca – Research Unity) afferente al Solar Technology Group.

E-Live Solar

E-Live has taken an innovative new approach to tackling the mobile power problem by focusing mobile generation as opposed to storage. E-Live has developed a range of solar power solutions specifically designed for those who are looking for a way to constantly be able to source power. By using emerging technologies, specifically thin film photo […]

Do I only need solar panels to have energy in day and through the night?

So I want to go completely solar. Do I need the connected solar panels alone for after sundown hours; Do I need something else in order to have energy to run my entire house throughout the night? In other words do solar panels store the energy for after sun-down or do I need other devices […]

Students get jolt out of testing solar power at Hope science camp

Students get jolt out of testing solar power at Hope science camp The summer sun provides plenty of power a group of girls learned Thursday afternoon.   The middle-school girls, in a new science camp activity on the Hope College campus, wired solar panels to engines and lights, to measure how much energy the panels […]

Half Solar Power Torch, Half Solar Electric Lamp 100% Cute

It’s the transformer of solar gadgets. [ ] Here’s a solar powered gadget that does more than steal cheap renewable electricity from the sun it can also throw out solar lights from two directions. Who would like this: People who want a little solar powered light for their desktop area, campers who want a […]

Amazing SOLAR and WIND Powered VAN

This is fantastic, it just shows what you can do with renewable energy. This is the way forward for vehicle technology. An electric powered van that uses onboard wind and solar generation to charge it’s batteries. For more info go to: