10 Things to Know About Rare Earth Elements in America’s Coal Ash

10 Things to Know About Rare Earth Elements in America’s Coal Ash For decades, the United States has relied on foreign nations—particularly China—for rare earth elements (REEs), which are critical for everything from smartphones to fighter jets. But a groundbreaking discovery has revealed a massive domestic supply hidden in an unlikely place: coal ash waste. […]
12 Years After Fukushima Disaster, 35k Tons of Fukushima Sewage Sludge Still Being Stored!

12 Years After Fukushima Disaster, Unresolved Radioactive Legacy: Almost 35k Tons of Fukushima Sewage Sludge Still Being Stored in Kanto Region! The aftermath of the Fukushima disaster continues to haunt Japan as 34,200 metric tons of radioactive sewage sludge remain stored in the Kanto region, 12 years after the catastrophic nuclear meltdown, according to an […]
Oil Refinery Explosion in Superior Wisconsin will have long lasting effects on environment.

The BP Oil Spill
Stephen Fry loves Louisiana. Four months after the BP oil spill, dubbed the worst ecological disaster in the history of America, Fry returns to the Deep Sout…
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: In the Wake of Disaster | Retro Report | The New York Times
In 1989, a tanker ran aground off the coast of Alaska, causing one of the worst oil spills in United States history. Nearly 25 years later, the lessons of th… Video Rating: 4 / 5
Oil Spill Disasters and Synthetic Life PLAGUES to ALL LIFE!
Oil Spill Disasters and Synthetic Life PLAGUES to ALL LIFE! BP has created a new computer-createdsynthetic LIFE FORM BACTRIUM which is carbon-hydrogen hungry… Video Rating: 5 / 5 Click Here To Download Impacts of Oil Spill Disasters on Marine Habitats and Fisheries in North America http://bit.ly/1pgAmqP.
BP Oil Spill Effect on Wildlife
Kevin Pereira’s special report on the devastating BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico continues with his look at the oil’s impact on the fragile wildlife. He … Video Rating: 4 / 5
Deepwater Disaster – BP Oil Spill (Documentary)
BBC Horizon reveals the untold story of the 87-day battle to kill the Deepwater Horizon oil blowout a mile beneath the waves – a crisis that became America’s… Video Rating: 4 / 5
Profit Pollution and Deception BP and the Oil Spill BBC Documentary
Profit Pollution and Deception BP and the Oil Spill FULL DOCUMENTARY HD The Deepwater Horizon oil spill (also referred to as the BP oil spill, the BP oil dis… It’s been four years since the Deepwater Horizon disaster that killed 11 people and unleashed oil into the Gulf of Mexico for 87 days. Scientists dove […]
How would a structural-functionalist view the current oil spill incident in the Gulf?
Question by Gina G: How would a structural-functionalist view the current oil spill incident in the Gulf? I just dont get Sociology!! I need to know how someone would explain the oil spill in the Gulf from a structural-functional perspective. Help! Anyone???? Best answer: Answer by Flash FunkThe oil spill was a sigle event, it […]
Q&A: Could this oil spill cause the sea floor to collapse and create a 20-80 mile high tsunami?
by kungfubonanza Question by Jacob: Could this oil spill cause the sea floor to collapse and create a 20-80 mile high tsunami? I just heard that this disaster scenario is a possibility and that it could apparently destroy up to 50 miles inland. I hear some people are trying to get out of there because […]
Oil Spill P1 5 Conspiracy with Jesse Ventura
Oil Spill P1 5 Conspiracy with Jesse Ventura. Federaljacktube3 | December 11, 2010 Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura, Season 2 Episode 7 (BP OIL SPILL)
Q&A: Did Obama cause the BP oil spill so he could hand out relief checks to his people on fake damage claims?
Question by Liberals Are Haters: Did Obama cause the BP oil spill so he could hand out relief checks to his people on fake damage claims? I live in the Gulf Coast region. After the BP oil spill, suddenly a lot of black people were driving around in shiny new luxury cars. BMW, Lexus, Hummers…. […]
Petroleum Engineers: Technical information on Louisiana oil spill?
by Vietnam Plants & The USA. plants Question by Andy: Petroleum Engineers: Technical information on Louisiana oil spill? What is a good website for technical information on the Louisiana oil spill? I would like to see good drawings or photos. Also: pressure and flow information at the pipe. How many pipe breaks are there? Best […]
BP to Pay US Billions for Gulf Spill
A source says oil giant BP has agreed to pay the largest criminal penalty in U.S. history, totaling billions of dollars, for the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf o… Markey on BP Oil Spill Settlement They Lied to America …. Thank you Congressman Markey for holding BP accountable Thank you for helping to expose […]
Raking the Sea Weed – BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Check out these oil spill disasters images: Raking the Sea Weed – BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Image by Wolfram Burner Exxon Headquarters @ Grand Isle – BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Image by Wolfram Burner Clean Sand Dirty Sand – BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Image by Wolfram Burner
Q&A: Is the BP Oil Spill considered an Historical Event in America?
Question by Katie: Is the BP Oil Spill considered an Historical Event in America? I’m writing a Research Paper and it has to be about a Historical Event that changed America in SOME way. I have a philosophy that the BP Oil Spill was a probable subject matter. Is it? I’m going to ask my […]
Who is a congresperson involved with the BP Oil Spill?
by The Latest Slub: Question by INeedHelp: Who is a congresperson involved with the BP Oil Spill? Who is a congresperson involved with the BP Oil Spill? Best answer: Answer by DeadTedSenator Jody Amedee of Louisana. He said “There is oal in my god dang shrimp.” Capitol Office P.O. Box 94183 Baton Rouge, LA 70804 […]
The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill – Part 6 of 10
Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez Disaster – The movie that documented one of the worst environmental disasters in US history. To watch the entire movie in sequence, click here: www.youtube.com To learn more about the incident, visit wikipedia here: en.wikipedia.org
Who’s making the bigger contradiction regarding the Oil Spill: Libs or Conservatives?
by wstera2 Question by 0bama, give us our country back!: Who’s making the bigger contradiction regarding the Oil Spill: Libs or Conservatives? Conservatives are against government intervention on PRIVATE matters, but the oil spill has become an ecological disaster. BP might own the OIL, but they DO NOT own Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama or Florida. The […]