The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

Lawsuits threatens to destroy Joe Biden’s green energy agenda.


A clash between environmental conservation and renewable energy has escalated into a federal lawsuit, casting a shadow over President Joe Biden’s ambitious green energy agenda. At the heart of the legal battle lies the proposed Virginia Offshore Wind project, which has triggered concerns about its potential impact on endangered North Atlantic right whales. Conservative groups, […]

Wind Turbines interactions with bats and neighbors. Bats at Turbines (B-roll): Surveillance video (B-roll) from a temperature-imaging camera showing a bat interacting with a … When industrial wind turbines which are 40 stories tall are sited too close to people’s home there is trouble with noise and shadow flicker. Wind developers …

Wind Powered Wheelies

yo Yo YO Look at this video of da motor bik wi da ting and WIDE OPEN. dat right it was WIDE OPEN. WOT and stuff withh da jump jumps. We meet a donkey but in … Video Rating: 4 / 5

DIY Wind-Powered Water Pump. Cata-Vento com Bomba de Agua.

This is a beta version of a wind-powered water pump using bicycle parts and PVC (details at Es… Video Rating: 4 / 5 A solar and wind-powered car G-code is just a concept car created from a vehicle study, but it’s still got some great ideas. The design is pretty futuristic,…

Wind turbines and health problems

Windmills may be an environmentally friendly alternative energy source but they also cause debilitating health problems, say people who live near them. Wind … Video Rating: 0 / 5

What’s inside a wind turbine?

An overview of the layout of utility-class wind turbine generators – where are the major components, what do they do, and what differences can be found betwe… Video Rating: 4 / 5 Missouri Wind And Solar website You can also find us on Ebay at Our … Video Rating: 0 / 5

4 Most Popular Vertical Wind Turbines – here’s the link… See More Vertical Wind Turbines at out blog…. Video Rating: 3 / 5 CLICK to LEARN MORE ABOUT RENEWABLE WIND ENERGY AT HOME IF YOU WANT TO SAVE BIG, CHOOSE DIY WIND POWER KIT ==============…

Wind Turbine Tour

Puget Sound Energy’s Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility features 149 wind turbines. This video tour takes you inside the 351-foot-tall wind turbines, giving … Video Rating: 3 / 5 For Dump Divert loads information click here My Review on one scam book on eBay…

Wind powered walking sand creatures? wow! BBC Theo Jansen’s Strandbeests – Wallace & Gromit’s World of Invention Episode More on this programme: Kinetic sculptor and artist Theo Jansen builds ‘strandbeests’ from yellow plastic tubing.