The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

Panacea’s Free Energy Suppression production (Part 1, Segment 13 of 53)

Panacea’s FREE energy suppression documentary researcher’s edition. Over 5 years of research has enabled us to collect over 10 hours of data to illustrate how bad the problem is and justify ours or ANY proposed solution. Panacea’s FREE energy suppression documentary (researcher’s edition) is material intended to help the media publish the information to the […]

Is there a oil conspiracy?

Rush Limbaugh is now trying to say the democrats are causing the high prices on oil to get a liberal elected in the white house. I almost fell down laughing at this. Is there realy people out there that believe this bull from Rush? Next he will say that democrats are the one that caused […]


This video is a reconstruction of the video posted by “magnetic free energy” in exactly the same manner and it fail to opperate as demonstrated.

What do you think about this?

With oil prices continually on the rise,and patents for new energy technology mysteriously dying,do you think that there is a conspiricy? There is so many patents for hydrogen technology that actually work but,yet we are paying over or close to $4 a gallon. Stanley Meyer had perfected the hydrogen cell and refused a several billion […]

Is there any oil conspiracy?

Republicans are increasing oil prices now so that they could reduce it just before election, and portrait themselves as saviours.

Nikola Tesla: The Philadephia Experiment, Time Travel Secret

nikola tesla the philadephia experiment. Time travel secret film interviews, patents, inventions , Glen producer carlos e. diaz aka papilos xfactor. Comes from Television Productions call Global Healing TV on MNN Manhattan Neighborhood, Network channel 16,34,56,and 57. The Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla war.

Panacea’s Free Energy Suppression production (Part 1, Segment 11 of 53)

Panacea’s FREE energy suppression documentary researcher’s edition. Over 5 years of research has enabled us to collect over 10 hours of data to illustrate how bad the problem is and justify ours or ANY proposed solution. Panacea’s FREE energy suppression documentary (researcher’s edition) is material intended to help the media publish the information to the […]

Gulf Oil Spill Secrecy! Secret Society controls clean up.

Media blackout on the gulf oil spill proves there is something going on beyond what we are being told. So long as this spill continues it begins a global disaster and with it come “global” solutions that will no doubt leave us with less freedoms and less money. The only solution to the global problems […]

Retrial delayed for ex-Merrill exec in Enron case

Retrial delayed for ex-Merrill exec in Enron case The retrial of a former Merrill Lynch executive whose 2004 Enron-related fraud and conspiracy convictions were overturned was delayed Thursday as a federal judge evaluates claims that prosecutors withheld evidence. James A. Brown’s retrial had been set to… Enron – Merrill Lynch – Business – Allegedly Unethical […]

Panacea’s Free Energy Suppression production (Part 1, Segment 10 of 53)

Panacea’s FREE energy suppression documentary researcher’s edition. Over 5 years of research has enabled us to collect over 10 hours of data to illustrate how bad the problem is and justify ours or ANY proposed solution. Panacea’s FREE energy suppression documentary (researcher’s edition) is material intended to help the media publish the information to the […]


Image taken on 2003-08-03 11:24:40 by otzberg.

To 9/11 conspiracy theorists……………..?

If you hypothosize such a thing…then the implications are, well, profound…so my question is…what exactly have you done about it??? I mean, how can you adopt a notion so intense and still go about your life with such passiveness…hypothetically if it was an inside job, well then the same folks who brought down the towers […]


Stanley Meyer Replication with 9 inch length, 9 tube sets. Innards of the WFC without water. Pl check the following links for replication info about this WFC: (For the circuit use the pg.25 schematic but with individual ferrite core rods straight wound for the Inductors rather than a single rod and bifilar wound–not recommended) […]

Bush war for oil conspiracy theories.?

For those of you who say (or actually repeat what they hear without researching) that Bush went to Iraq for the oil, please answer: Why hasn’t the U.S. taken over the oil fields, and taken oil from Iraq? also: Can you please show me exactly how bush is connected to ‘big oil’. I would like […]