Groundbreaking Method Revolutionizes Battery Recycling with 98% Efficiency

Groundbreaking Method Revolutionizes Battery Recycling with 98% Efficiency In a significant leap towards sustainable technology, researchers have unveiled a revolutionary method to recover battery materials with unprecedented efficiency. By rapidly heating battery waste to extreme temperatures, this innovative technique achieves a remarkable 98% recovery rate, potentially transforming the landscape of battery recycling and production. A […]
Mark Rober shows us a device that will take millions of vehicles off the road! Mark showcases a new drone that could change the way we deliver packages. The drone is designed to fly like a bird and can carry packages up to 10 pounds! Although the drone weighs over 50lbs not including it’s cargo, it’s actually quieter than a hobby drone. It’s currently being used to save lives. […]
Here’s a great idea for Electric Vehicle manufacturers

After hearing the news that Ford hiked the price of their cheapest all electric F-150 truck to almost $60k (£49k, €56k) Demented Turtle had an interesting idea, what are YOUR thoughts? Hear me out: instead of using the incredibly limited battery resources right now to make a massively inefficient, fully electric truck (that still has […]
Just how green are electric cars?

Solar Panel 30000mAh Universal Power Bank Battery Charger
30000mAh Dual USB Portable Solar Panel Power Bank for iPhone/iPad/Samsung S4/LG/MOTO/Nokia/Sony/HTC with LED Light. Video Rating: 2 / 5
How much nickel is mined for one hybrid car battery?
by kwryan Question by j g: How much nickel is mined for one hybrid car battery? I am curious to know how much nickel is mined for the average hybrid car battery? I’ve heard hybrids toted as the solution, but nickel is a finite resource which must be mined. As I understand it the batteries […]
Can you start a manual transmission car without a battery, and without a starter?
by SS&SS Question by charlesm4450: Can you start a manual transmission car without a battery, and without a starter? Again, there is no battery and there is no starter. The engine and everything else works fine. Manual transmission – if we push and pop the clutch, will the vehicle start? Best answer: Answer by PaulYEP, […]
What components are required in a solar power car/boat battery charging system?
by alyceobvious Question by Sam: What components are required in a solar power car/boat battery charging system? I have a small yacht and I am looking to install a solar powered charger to charge the boat battery. The battery is to be used to run a CD player, a 2 way radio, a number of […]
Q&A: what do i put in between a electric magnetic motor and the battery to charge it without the battery trying to?
by farlukar Question by fluke7510: what do i put in between a electric magnetic motor and the battery to charge it without the battery trying to? im trying to charge a battery with a magnetic motor but i dont know whats in between them that stops the battery from trying to run the motor so […]
Toyota adopts Tesla’s laptop battery strategy for electric cars
Toyota adopts Tesla’s laptop battery strategy for electric cars Toyota, Daimler and BMW are turning to laptops for a cheaper way to power their electric cars — and their sales. Automakers are testing packs of lithium-ion batteries assembled by Palo Alto-based Tesla Motor. Read more on San Jose Mercury News
Hybrid cars ? Are they a waste of money ? What is battery life and replacement ?
Hybrid dual gas electric suv, best one to buy on the market for cars and higher gas miliage. ? Honda Toyota Ford Saturn ? OR non of the above.
besides batteries or solar cells or fuel cells, or generators what else is there that can produce high voltage
when I was younger, I used to think that Nuclear Power Plants used nuclear material to collect electrons, but now I know that it’s only the heat given off that creates steam which turns a turbine. HOW LAME! Why can’t we use nuclear material to create electricity directly? Or maybe even replace electrons altogehter.. replace […]
what companys are supplying the battery for the chevy volt and the tesla roadster?
i need to know what company makes these batterys for these cars. also who is the leading company for alternative fuels like hydrogen
How long will an average Hybrid and/or Electric car battery last.?
How will they be disposed of when they have reached the end of their functional life?
How to connect solar panels to batteries?
I have two solar panels that were going to be trashed at work. I want to use them to charge batteries on my RV but i noticed they put out around 20 volts in direct sunlight. So i am wondering: -isn’t this way too much voltage for a 12 volt system? -do a need some […]
Chevy Volt gains US$41k price, 8-year battery warranty
Chevy Volt gains US$41k price, 8-year battery warranty Three and a half years after unveiling a concept version of the Chevy Volt range-extended electric car, General Motors is finally answering the question of its price. Read more on
Chevy Volt will carry 8-year battery war
Chevy Volt will carry 8-year battery war General Motors is guaranteeing the battery in its Chevrolet Volt electric car for eight years. Read more on BigPond News
Questions re: batteries actually being used for electric and hybrid cars: Please answer as many as you can.?
1) What types of batteries are being used? 2) What are their anticipated useful lives? (Each type) 3) How is each type recycled or how is disposal accomplished after their useful life has expired?
Obama Predicts Electric Car Battery Prices Will Drop 70 Percent
Obama Predicts Electric Car Battery Prices Will Drop 70 Percent HOLLAND, MI – The cost of the high-powered batteries needed for a coming wave of electric cars is projected to drop by as much as 70 percent over the next five years, according to a U.S. government forecast. Read more on Government Fleet
Can you charge a bank of batteries with solar panels in a room with artificial sunlight?
I was just curious if this is possible: Charge a bank of deep cycle batteries, and use it to run grow lights, and also having solar panels in the room to recharge the batteries that are creating the light. What about the L.E.D. grow lights?