Using Wood to Fuel a Generator! (How to Build a Wood Gasifier w/Demonstration)

I made this gasifier a couple of years ago now as a second attempt at the technology. My first attempt had a few bugs. The blower wasn’t able to move enough air, the unit was over-sized for the amount of gas produced, and the gas wasn’t cool enough upon exiting the gasifier, resulting in an […]
homemade gasifier uses wood pellets to run generator

Gasifier uses wood pellets to create flammable mixture that a generator can run on without gasoline. This video shows how it was constructed, how it works, and how to use it from start to finish. Great project for anyone looking for alternative energy or wanting to live off the grid. Just for some clarification — […]
Wood powered steam generator alcohol distillation 1of 4. The portable wood powered steam generator getting tested along with a small steam powered fractional alcohol still. Video Rating: 5 / 5
Steam Powered Electric Generator
A cool steam powered electric generator at Rollag. It was nice to stand next to the warm boiler on a cool day. Video Rating: 5 / 5
â—‰ â—‰ â—‰ Ontario Preppers: DIY Steam Powered Generator â—‰ â—‰ â—‰ A very short clip beta testing a pressure canner connected to a two cycle weed wacker motor for an upc… Video Rating: 4 / 5
Permanent Magnetic Motor from Argentina. A self running, free energy generator! A new addition from Egypt to the many permanent Magnetic Motors being built these days A permanent magnetic Motor …
550 KW turbine generator at hydroelectric dam.
Inside a 550KW Turbine room at a hydroelectric dam in southwestern Ontario.
Murray “Special” Corliss Steam-powered Generator
This steam engine is part of a permanent display at the Midwest Old Threshers grounds in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Five New Steam Engines! provides power generation equipment for home, recreational, and industrial use. Find power generators of every siz… Video Rating: 4 / 5
Total Flow Generator Demo
The revolutionary Total Flow Generatorâ„¢ converts waste pressure from virtually any source — hydro, gas, biomass and more — into fuel-free green energy (100… Video Rating: 5 / 5 Wood chip burner with steam boiler warming up with manual fuel control generating over 20kW of steam power, superheated, 1 pound (pint) per minute of cold […]
Homemade Hydroelectric Generator
This video project was made for AP-B Physics class. We built and demonstrated a hydroelectric generator and explain the process of how it works and the physi…
Home Made “Toy” Steam Powered Generator Plant
I made an electric generating steam plant using my miniature marine steam engine and boiler so that I could run it while I am building a model boat for it.
10000 watt steam powered electic generator.
Test running of 10000watt steam engine generator set. Featuring an ASME S stamped boiler, 20 H.P. Mike Brown double cylinder steam engine with a fly-ball go…
Home built steam turbine running generator, powering light bulb and fan
Operational test of turbine and generator with new curved blade rotor. I also changed the ratio of the turbine to generator to 4:1. I’m Happy with the result… Video Rating: 4 / 5 This is a larger Steam Engine I have. It was tested at 80 PSI and has a lot of torque. The […]
Free energy generator- How to make free electricity with a magnetic motor Just what is it about magnetic generators that has made them the talk of the town? There are plenty of alternative energy products an… Video Rating: 5 / 5 The Steorn magnetic motor replication by Jean-Louis Naudin. This is a successfull replication of the Steorn motor presented by Sean McCarthy on dec 15, 2009 […]
oxyhydrogen generator…. (190W overunity)
4800W of the generators power (24v 200a) is being channelized to the production of oxyhydrogen gas… leaving 190W (380v 0.5a) to be set to charge the battery.
Hydroelectric generator science project
Another similar YouTube hydroelectric generator project. Website that has a how to and design inf… Science project – 6th Grade. Producing electricity using household fixture and house water pressure.
How does a gas generator make electricity?
by r_neches Question by How does a gas generator make electricity? Okay, I know there is a generator /electro motor in there, but it’s not a permanent magnet motor, then if there is no existing magnetic field, and there is no battery on a generator, how does it make the coils energized? The rotor […]
Model steam engine electric generator DC Model steam engine electric generator. Video Rating: 4 / 5
What if there is a generator that makes electicity with no input & makes enough to power your whole house?
by caribb Question by : What if there is a generator that makes electicity with no input & makes enough to power your whole house? By that i mean a successful magnet motor,& i know its been tryed before & faild but they havent tryed everything.but what if 1 of thoes tries some one makes […]
Wood powered steam generator for alcohol distillation part 3 of 4. The portable wood powered steam generator getting tested along with a small steam powered alcohol still. Video Rating: 5 / 5