The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

Stanley Meyer Water Fuel Cell O2 HHO Hydrogen Generator Plan HYDROSTAR SYSTEM BULDING PLANS EFIE BUILDING PLANS & INSTALLATION VIDEOS ULTRAMIST BUILDING PLANS Stanley Meyer’s Demonstration Electrolyser Publication Stanley Meyer’s Water Fuel Cell Technical Brief Publication FUEL CELL HANDBOOK EASY HYDROGEN BOOSTERS BUILDING PLANS How to build a Joe Cell Joe Cell Plans, Blue Prints and Videos How to make Your Own Biodiesel from […]

STIRLING ENGINE SOLAR POWER PARABOLIC MIRROR ELECTRIC GENERATOR This is a larger Stirling engine that has a 12v DC Permanent Magnet motor operating fixed as the flywheel bearing. It produces 15 Volt max with NO LOAD. This setup as is produces about 15 watts. The heat sink is a water cooled tank that is a bit short for the displacement piston but […]

how to make a wind generator?

I have an old welding machine(which is basically a generator) that can make up to 250 amps. Can and how do I make it into a wind turbine and how do I hook it up to an U.S. standard house hold curcuit beaker. What other equipement do I need to possibly cut down my energy […]

How do you connect a solar panel and wind generator in parallel?

I have an ~18v solar panel and a ~15v wind turbine. Sometimes one generates more voltage than the other. How would I get both of them to charge one ~12v battery? I can’t just connect them in parallel with diodes, because in that case, only the higher voltage source gets used. Is there a special […]

generator running on hho testing Pt.9

more of the engine running on hho HHO H2o Hydrogen Oxygen Electrolyzer stan meyer steam hoh injection mpg fuel economy hho ebn pwm pulse width modulator mosfet current hho regulated electronic diy cell hho alternate energy smack john deere ice ice honda mileage hoh booster hybrid electric car solar power science fair geet electromagnetic ou […]

Generator Circuit Breaker?

When is it essential to put generator circuit breaker before the step up transformer? usually for which type of power stations (Steam or gas turbine)?

AC_VeggieSteamSmacker Hydroxy Generator

This is the photo record of building my modified design of the AC_VeggieSteamSmacker using vegetable steamer perforated SS curved leaves and the SmackBooster technology and electric design combined.