The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

Why are we still in Afghanistan? And Iraq?

Question by . ǝʞɐןɟ-uɹoÊž .: Why are we still in Afghanistan? And Iraq? Bin Laden is allegedly dead. And ex President Saddam Hussein has been removed from office/dead. So…. What gives? It’s really impossible to defeat an ideology, don’t our military generals know that? We haven’t even defeated Nazism and Communism. They’re still alive and […]

women in iraq or less free than when saddam was in power. do you agree?

Question by mtmeggido: women in iraq or less free than when saddam was in power. do you agree? Iraqi Women’s Bodies Are Battlefields for War Vendettas By Kavita N. Ramdas, Global Fund for Women. Posted December 19, 2006. The United States’ so-called “liberation” of Iraqi women has made them less free than they were under […]

Why is there so little mention of the Saudi connection in Iraq?

by Deepwater Horizon Response Question by Jonathon M: Why is there so little mention of the Saudi connection in Iraq? There is substantial evidence that the Saudi royal family and/or military is providing arms and ammunition to various miltias throughout Iraq, many of whom are attacking coalition forces and killing American soldiers. We hear so […]

What benchmarks should be used to guage the success of attitudes between Iraq legislators?

Question by trevathantim: What benchmarks should be used to guage the success of attitudes between Iraq legislators? Sunni legislators returned to Iraq’s parliament Thursday after a five-week boycott, raising hopes the assembly can make progress on power-sharing bill By BASSEM MROUE, Associated Press Writer 31 minutes ago BAGHDAD – Sunni legislators returned to Iraq’s parliament […]

Clinton calls withdrawal of troops from Iraq ‘top priority’?

Question by TOOTAl2: Clinton calls withdrawal of troops from Iraq ‘top priority’? Why does Clinton want to pull the troops out of iraq right away and risk an unstable middle east. and have the price of oil go way up. Only 2 troops were killed in iraq last month. So why would they take this […]

Memos show link between oil and Iraq invasion

Memos show link between oil and Iraq invasion Plans to exploit Iraq’s oil reserves were discussed by British Government ministers and the world’s largest oil companies the year before the country took a leading role in invading Iraq, Government documents show.Revealed for… Read more on The New Zealand Herald CBS Sports: Mariners Dead Last In […]

If the Iraq War is about oil profits, then how does one explain our deficit?

“The Bush administration has put American taxpayers TRILLIONS of dollars in debt because of an insipid ‘war’ that was illegally initiated to satisfy George Bush’s vendetta against Hussein and satisfy Cheney’s lust for OIL profits.” This is a qoute from an answere to a question I placed earlier. If the Bush Admin and the Cheney […]

Did we go into Iraq for oil?

We’ve heard countless times from conspiracy theorists claims that we went into Iraq to overthrow Saddam for oil. How can anyone give credibility to these conspiracy theory nuts? In my opinion they are very ignorant or simply insane. While most of these people are laughed at behind their back, do you really think they consider […]

Do you think Bush is getting money from oil we get in Iraq?

We are geting oil from Iraq. You can’t deny that. But did Bush plan it all? Did he plan to get Iraq just for him to become rich? Did he and the oil companies have form a conspiracy against us? Do you think Bush let countless lives get kill just b/c of something so selfish? […]