Can anyone tell me which is the closest fission reactor?
what is the closest fission reactor to New Zealand? Africa? or USA? or Sun??
Reactor shutdown prompts inspection at Surry nuclear plant
Reactor shutdown prompts inspection at Surry nuclear plant SURRY — The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has dispatched a Special Inspection Team to the Surry nuclear power plant. The team is reviewing a June 8 trip that prompted a shutdown of the reactor. Read more on The Virginia Gazette
When a uranium nucleus at rest breaks apart in the process known as fission in a nuclear reactor, the resultin?
When a uranium nucleus at rest breaks apart in the process known as fission in a nuclear reactor, the resulting fragments have a total kinetic energy of about 205 MeV. How much mass was lost in the process?
How does Nuclear Regulatory Commission keep waste material with a high level of radiation?
Explain why.
Do you think the nuclear fission reactor in France will implode on itself releasing a man-made star on earth?
I hear that they are building a nuclear fission reactor in France. The benefits to our society would be immence, but if it backfires could it possibly destroy our exhistance? I mean if it works we WILL have discovered a endless fuel source and our reaches will be greater than ever. But technically couldn’t it […]
Need some help answering questions about the Nuclear Regulatory Commission?
Hi, I need to know a few things about the NRC that I am not able to locate one the net, thanks for the help in advance. one is, Is the NRC an Independent executive agency, a regulatory commission, or a government corporation and explain why. second is, Is the NRC a line agency or […]
What role do the cadmium control rods play in a fission reactor?
What role do the cadmium control rods play in a fission reactor? a.The cadmium combines with spent uranium fuel to produce a non-radioactive product. b.The rods focus the neutrons toward the center of the reactor. c.The cadmium acts as a catalyst, enabling fission to occur at lower temperatures. d.The rods control the rate of fission […]
How Things Work : How Nuclear Energy Works
Nuclear energy works in much the same way as traditional energy, except it requires less fuel to work and has harmful byproducts. Discover how nuclear energy works from a math and science teacher in this free video on nuclear energy. Expert: Steve Jones Contact: Bio: Steve Jones is an experienced mathematics and science teacher. […]
How much nuclear energy is available and how long will it last?
I need to know how much longer nuclear energy will last. I also need to know how much available of nuclear energy is left. Can you also name some disadvantages and advantages of nuclear energy? Please? Thanks so much!
Is nuclear energy harmful to the enviroment?
I have to do a science project for school and I’m researching the element Uranium. The project is to make a promotional poster for useage of your element, but I don’t want to write stuff about nuclear bombs. I know you can use Uranium for nuclear energy but I wasn’t sure if it was better […]
Myth: Nuclear Energy is Dangerous
104 Nuclear Reactors operate safely in the United States without a single loss of life. Contrary to belief, only 56 people have died from the Chernobyl accident and no one from Three Mile Island. Going Nuclear – A Green Makes the Case (Patrick Moore, Ph.D. – Greenpeace Co-Founder) Love Uranium (Peter Huber, Ph.D. Mechanical […]
When is nuclear energy expected to be easily accessible to the general public?
When is nuclear energy expected to be easily accessible to the general public?
Use of nuclear energy is still high on government’s agenda – Oteng-Adjei
Use of nuclear energy is still high on government’s agenda – Oteng-Adjei Accra, June 16, GNA – Energy Minister Dr Joe Oteng-Adjei, on Wednesday said exploitation of nuclear energy for peaceful civilian usage as a secured alternative fuel source for electricity was high on government’s agenda. Read more on
Nuclear Energy
Image taken on 2010-06-06 12:43:40 by juco.
If the Energy of Barack Obamas Economic Disaster was transferred into heat, would we experience Nuclear Winter?
.. like the Planes that hit on 9-11 did because Conspiracy Theorists dont have Physics degrees and cant see that all that Energy transfers into heat, thus destroying the Foundation of the Economy?
how do nuclear power stations and wind turbines generate electricity?
Alternative Energy solar panels windmills and nuclear energy?
I have to write a paper thats due in a few days reguarding alternative energy, solar panel (design, technology and effiecency) windmills (design, technology and effiecency) and nucelar energy(design, technology and effiecency) and i cant find anything!!! any help guys?