The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

How can I use Solar Power in my home?

I am wanting to power just a couple household items with a small solar panel. What will I need? I know I need a solar panel, and some kind of AC-DC converter, and a battery perhaps? How would I wire it up? I do NOT want to spend a fortune doing this, I am only […]

Solar Flower Sculpture

Solar Flower Sculpture Solarflora , an outdoor 90watt solar flower sculpture designed by Nectar Design, was recently installed at the New City School’s urban garden in Long Beach, California. Designed to hold three solar panels, one in each leaf, the solar sculpture is intended as an attractive and engaging means of housing solar power collectors […]

FREE ENERGY SOLAR POWER STIRLING ENGINE FRESNEL LENS This is the first segment of our half-hour weekly program. Available in HD. Shot with a Canon XH A1. THIS IS THE FULL VERSION. Solar Training Solar Thermal Training Green Power Green Energy Science.