The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

How effective is solar power?

I am very concerned about global warming, and when I grow up (I’m only fourteen) I plan on using solar power to power my home (and I hope that when I grow up it’s customary). How efficient is solar power? How many square feet would it take to power a 2,000 square foot home? How […]

How Can I Use Solar Power in My House?

As far as I know that it’s more economic to use solar power at home. What are the ways that solar power can help me with? How can i do it? How much will the devices needed cost?

Photo Voltaic I-V Curve Calculation Plot?

As we know, a photovoltaic cell can be equivalently shown as a current source in parallel with a diode and then include Rs(series resistance) and shunt resistance Rsh. We have a standard equation for calculation output current I for such current. My question is how do I get the IV curve, since I is on […]

Could Hydrogen fuel be produced by photo-voltaic cells on an airship or BAA?

BAA is Buoyancy Assisted Aircraft. Not a true airship. It is heavier than air, rigid and not blimp shaped. Best configurations might be a Tri-hull or a Delta Wing. Saucer shape might work, but I’m trying to avoid the Foil Helmet stigma. Photo-cells have functioned on aircraft before. Lockheed’s High Altitude Airship uses one. My […]

Is there already an solar-wind powered prototype vehicle made?

Just curious… I notice many cars made within the last decade. Electric cars, solar-powered cars, remote controlled cars, and much more. But I thought I seen a wind hover-craft or something that uses stored energy to power up the power fans under the craft thus lifts the machine and uses the wind from the bottom […]

how many solar panels would I need to power my home?

or how many watts? i dont use much electricity. i have on a couple of lights and a computer, sometimes the tv. how many solar panels would i need to power those constantly throughout the day, and maybe charge batteries for night? the air, refrigerator and hot water heater i would still use regular electricity.

Making LCD into Solar Panel

Titanium Dioxide photo voltaic cell made from LCD panel. Please turn up your speakers! im having sound probs. a deatiled more description of the construction can be found at its also so been pointed out to me that i made a mistake in building it. the side with the carbon,dosent need the Titanium Dioxide.

How to Install Solar Panels : Battery Banks for Solar Energy

The battery bank gets the needed voltage to individual inverters. Learn about the battery bank for solar power from a professional in this free energy conservation video. Expert: Roger Bacon Bio: Roger Bacon is the owner of RGB Home Repair and Renovation in Santa Barbara California. He has experience in all phases of home repair […]

How can I power a couple small appliances using solar power?

What would I need to power a small fan, some LED lights, ect in my home, without spending hundreds or thousands of dollers? How would I set it up? I think I would need a Solar Panel, a AC/DC converter or some kind, and a Battery? Any Help! Thanks!