How effective is solar power?
I am very concerned about global warming, and when I grow up (I’m only fourteen) I plan on using solar power to power my home (and I hope that when I grow up it’s customary). How efficient is solar power? How many square feet would it take to power a 2,000 square foot home? How […]
Solar panels for house power in the suburbs of philadelphia?
i live around there, no tall buildings around or anything. i was wondering if anybody has a house that has solar panels and if it works well and how much power it gives off. specs like that.
How does solar Energy compare to other alternative energy sources?
Is it better or worse than majority of the other alternative energy sources? If so why?
Solar or Geothermal energy to replace 100 percent of all electricity in house?
We have a 100% electric house. We live in a rural Texas town. We are upset about the cost of electricity and we were wondering what the cost would be to change from Electricity to solar power or geothermal energy to use in our home? I am also wondering what is the cheapest way to […]
Is electrical potential only in voltaic cells? or in electrolytic cells also?
electrical potential is the measure of electrical current but its measured in volts and my textbook says “in voltaic cells”
Power Generator for travel trailer – alternative energy kinds like biodiesel or hydrogen or solar?
We have a 27′ older travel trailer we’ve parked in the woods. There is no water, no power, no electricity. We’d like to turn this old dinosaur into an experiment in off-the grid cottage (start off with trailer and build around it). One thing is a power generator. Does anyone know if biodiesel (i.e. vegetable […]
How Can I Use Solar Power in My House?
As far as I know that it’s more economic to use solar power at home. What are the ways that solar power can help me with? How can i do it? How much will the devices needed cost?
Photo Voltaic I-V Curve Calculation Plot?
As we know, a photovoltaic cell can be equivalently shown as a current source in parallel with a diode and then include Rs(series resistance) and shunt resistance Rsh. We have a standard equation for calculation output current I for such current. My question is how do I get the IV curve, since I is on […]
Could Hydrogen fuel be produced by photo-voltaic cells on an airship or BAA?
BAA is Buoyancy Assisted Aircraft. Not a true airship. It is heavier than air, rigid and not blimp shaped. Best configurations might be a Tri-hull or a Delta Wing. Saucer shape might work, but I’m trying to avoid the Foil Helmet stigma. Photo-cells have functioned on aircraft before. Lockheed’s High Altitude Airship uses one. My […]
how are solar cells (photo voltaic) effected but heat (potentially in /under a ‘green house’)?
Say I want to put some solar cells (cells) on a velomobile (bike). the cells are flat and I want to make the body of the bike with curves. the cells would likely end up under some clear plastic (lexan?) which would likely create some sort of green house effect on the cells. At what […]
Is there already an solar-wind powered prototype vehicle made?
Just curious… I notice many cars made within the last decade. Electric cars, solar-powered cars, remote controlled cars, and much more. But I thought I seen a wind hover-craft or something that uses stored energy to power up the power fans under the craft thus lifts the machine and uses the wind from the bottom […]
how many solar panels would I need to power my home?
or how many watts? i dont use much electricity. i have on a couple of lights and a computer, sometimes the tv. how many solar panels would i need to power those constantly throughout the day, and maybe charge batteries for night? the air, refrigerator and hot water heater i would still use regular electricity.
Making LCD into Solar Panel
Titanium Dioxide photo voltaic cell made from LCD panel. Please turn up your speakers! im having sound probs. a deatiled more description of the construction can be found at its also so been pointed out to me that i made a mistake in building it. the side with the carbon,dosent need the Titanium Dioxide.
what should i look for in a college if i want to do something with solar or other alternative energy?
-I am about to be a senior in high school next year. -I need to find a college that has a good program/majors on alternative energy -I also need to know career paths
How to Install Solar Panels : Battery Banks for Solar Energy
The battery bank gets the needed voltage to individual inverters. Learn about the battery bank for solar power from a professional in this free energy conservation video. Expert: Roger Bacon Bio: Roger Bacon is the owner of RGB Home Repair and Renovation in Santa Barbara California. He has experience in all phases of home repair […]
How can I power a couple small appliances using solar power?
What would I need to power a small fan, some LED lights, ect in my home, without spending hundreds or thousands of dollers? How would I set it up? I think I would need a Solar Panel, a AC/DC converter or some kind, and a Battery? Any Help! Thanks!
do bible promotes photo voltaic cells (solar panel)?
Could mirrors reflecting and focusing sunlight be used to make steam to power electric generators?
And could insulated water tanks be large enough to retain enough super heated water to generate steam to power the generators be used to act as a buffer so that through the night and on low light days electricty production would be steady without varible output allowing for steady production 24/7/365 if it was sited […]
If pursuing alternative energy (solar, wind, etc) have a lot of benefits, why do some people still oppose it?
Wouldn’t it create more jobs and be better for the environment, and also reduce dependency on foreign oil? What are some reasons why some people are against alternative energy?
I am considering a solar panels. How can I tell if my area gets enough solar energy a year to be worthwhile?
I want to know how I can determine my area’s (Rochester NY) yearly solar energy output to see if it would make economic sense to install solar panels. Any websites or resources where I can look?