The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

What would happen if everybody went solar and wind powered?

Suppose in the near it was commonplace to have nearly everybody’s home and business run on solar power and wind power (Or any other accessible renewable energy resources) What would happen to the economy? Utility services would certainly suffer, possibly to the point of becoming extinct. How would this affect the US and other power-hungry […]

Exelon City Solar Project Far South, Chicago

From Brownfield to Greenfield – Visualizing the Worlds Largest Urban Solar Power Plant. Today, Exelon and SunPower announced plans to develop a 10 megawatt solar power plant in the south side of Chicago- the largest of its kind in an urban setting. Considering this monumental announcement, on Earth Day nonetheless, we decided to create a […]

How do solar plants and hydroelectric dams generate electricity?

Can anyone explain to me in a simple way how solar plants and hydroelectric plants generate electricity? I’ve done research, but I’m a little confused. Please note, I am not asking how solar panels work. I want to know how solar PLANTS generate electricity.

Solar power runs new technology at Krause

Solar power runs new technology at Krause Karen Harmon is combining the power of the sun to power new technology at Krause Elementary. It is a combination that has worked well as both a teaching theory and practical energy saver. Read more on The Armada Times

Solar panel and motor: Any way to regulate the power transmission?

I’m an engineering student and for an individual hobby-like project i purchased a small solar panel and a small solar motor. I am planning on making a small solar powered toy car. The question i have is: is there a way to connect a control or some other ways of regulating the power that is […]

What should i do for a display of solar and wind powered energy?

im doing a senior project i’ve done the paper and now i need to do a display that im going to judged on by my teachers and the community. My topic that im doing is the benefits and drawbacks of solar and wind powered energy. i need an idea on how to display my topic. […]

Solar Panels?

I am purchasing a home that includes 2 solar panels measuring 8 foot by 4 foot located on the roof. Neither myself or the home inspector located a box that the solar energy would transfered to. should there be a box? also what can i expect from the solar panels? Thanks for the help…

Evergreen Solar Introduces its New Panels with BOOSTâ„¢ Cell Technology for the French Market at Salon des Energies …

Evergreen Solar Introduces its New Panels with BOOSTâ„¢ Cell Technology for the French Market at Salon des Energies … Evergreen Solar, Inc. (Nasdaq: ESLR), a manufacturer of String Ribbonâ„¢ solar panels with its proprietary silicon wafer technology, will unveil its upcoming line of higher efficiency solar panels featuring its newly developed BOOSTâ„¢ Cell Technology, at […]

Alternative Energy solar panels windmills and nuclear energy?

I have to write a paper thats due in a few days reguarding alternative energy, solar panel (design, technology and effiecency) windmills (design, technology and effiecency) and nucelar energy(design, technology and effiecency) and i cant find anything!!! any help guys?

Solar power?

We are looking at buying a house and renovating it, and were wondering about using solar or wind power to power much of our house. We will have a well, be on a septic system, have a wood burning furnace for heating the house, so we would like to have solar or wind power so […]

What should I do to start my career in the solar and alternative energy field?

I have a Bachelors in Material Science and Engineering. No particular solar experience. I’ve been looking to get a masters at Univ. of Texas or another Texas University, but I’m not sure which degree would best help me get a job, if at all. What should be my next steps, I’ve been researching for a […]