How will we travel to the stars in the future?

There are a lot of exotic theories floating around for future star travel: ion drive (slow, but reliable); solar sails; laser propulsion; nuclear fusion drives. None of these are phony “Star Trek” warp drives (doesn’t make ANY scientific sense–they’d be crushed to death!), but which one is the most feasible?

Energy & Natural Resources

Energy & Natural Resources United States: Could “Green Energy” Replace Coal? John Adams once observed that “[f]acts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” Read more on Mondaq

fusion in fission reactor?

why doesn’t fusion reaction occur in reactors using heavy water as coolant? I do not mean chain reaction. Even a few instances. As for as I know, energy of the liberated neutrons is about 1 MeV, while fusion of deuteron requires about 5GeV. But if it is so, than how they create fusion in bombs. […]

Panacea’s Free Energy Suppression production (Part 2, Segment 4 of 31)

Panacea’s FREE energy suppression documentary researcher’s edition. Over 5 years of research has enabled us to collect over 10 hours of data to illustrate how bad the problem is and justify ours or ANY proposed solution. Panacea’s FREE energy suppression documentary (researcher’s edition) is material intended to help the media publish the information to the […]

Where is all of the rumored oil?

I always hear liberals talking about these oil conspiracies and claiming that we’re doing all of this random stuff for oil… If these conspiracies are true, where is all the oil?

introduction to NUCLEAR FUSION as a new source of energy 1/2

im working on this video for quite some time now, and i finally finished it :) the recent videos about the free energy conspiracy-theory more or less set the stage. nuclear fusion is quite real, watch the following clip: wikipedia is great when it comes to nuclear fusion, check out the articles about: nuclear […]

how to solar power for my house and where to get eqipments in India?

Hi, I already have a battery powering by house in case of power outage. I want to connect that battery to solar power so that i can reduce the consuming of electricity and save environment. Where to get equipments and how much will it cost for me? I am from Salem, Tamil Nadu, India.