If a metal is plated out of an electrolytic cell, it appears on the cathode.?
Is this statement true or false?
Can brushing with a hydrogen peroxide – baking soda paste really whiten your teeth?
I’ve heard that brushing with the said mixture can be an effective, not to mention dirt cheap, alternative to whitening your teeth. Has anyone tried this? What kinda of risks are involved in doing this, if any? Should/can it be used daily? Weekly? Of course, this would be used in conjunction to brushing with a […]
Thermolysis Demo HD
This is a HD video of our prototype using thermolysis to crack water into hydrogen and oxygen gas (oxyhydrogen gas). Please visit our web site for more information, warpdrivecorp.com.
Why must the external electrical supply for an electrolytic cell be a direct current?
Instead of alternating current?
General Motors Sequel – Fuel Cell Hydrogen Car
A video of the General Motors Hydrogen Fuel Cell car. Once these cars start selling, our dependancy on foreign oil will change. Oh yeah, it’s pollution free, no emissions. This will be a significant impact on global warming.
What are Obama and McCain’s stances on alternative energies?
Other than Ethanol based fuels (which don’t even qualify as a stop-gap), what have the candidates said about solar, geothermal, wind, hydroelectric, tidal, biodeisel, hydrogen fuel cells, or the fully electric car?
Stone-7 HHO Electrode Install to 911truth.org bus in Vancouver
PURCHASE VIA PAYPAL www.inventionaire.ca Putting in a Stone-7 Oxyhydrogen Generator. The switch under the pedal is a simple automotive switch with some flexible wire added to the end of the lever.
Time required to produce 54 kg of Al(s) in an electrolytic cell?
How long would it take to produce 54 kg of Al metal by the reduction of Al3+ in an electrolytic cell using a current of 500 amps?
#176 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Chevy Equinox up close!
alt-nrg.org Spotted this H2 hydrogen fuel cell powered Chevy Equinox in the parking lot. Couldn’t pass up the opportunity to sneak some video of the car GM says in their radio ads that “someday maybe our grand children will be driving”.
Do nuclear-powered cars use hydrogen as fuel?
I’ve done an extensive amount of research on nuclear-powered cars, and I’m finding articles talking about how nuclear energy can generate hydrogen. Basically, all I’m asking is, are hydrogen powered cars, basically, nuclear powered cars? Or are they really two different alternative fuel sources?
Hydroxy HHO Safety Rating System by HHOG Labs Research CoOp
Steve here with www.hhoglabs.com and InstallGuys. We have implemented a new Safety Rating system for our HHO Hydroxy flashback arrestors, safety bubblers, EPD v2, SRV, Dryer, Scrubber and all our other safety devices. A couple sneak peaks at some new devices coming out in 2009. Hope it isn’t too boring! Steve Refers to HHO Safety […]
what are the differences between electrochemical cell and electrolytic cell?
about 5 differences please or less thank you
Do I need a license to install Hydrogen fuel injection system on other people’s cars?
I live in California and was planning on getting a business license, but I was wondering if I needed a special license to put after market parts on someone else’s car. No water goes in the system, only gas. I don’t need anyone’s opinions of whether or not it works. I mean no water goes […]
Is fusion power our only real alternative to fossil fuels?
Wind power and solar are nice, but they take a lot of infrastructure. Alcohol from biomass requires a lot of fussing around. Hydrogen is just a pipe dream because you have to have another power source to create it. It seems to me that the future of our civilization lies with fusion power.
1st Field Test AC_VeggieSteamSmacker
1st Field Test of AC_VeggieSteamSmacker Hydroxy generator on my ’96 Ford Explorer. Worked great, so I decided to do 2nd test of adding hydroxy to the air intake. I created a “check engine” light by opening the air filter housing. After adding hydroxy to air filter input, the check engine light turned off ! Also, […]
If 3.00×10^-3 kg of gold is deposited on the negative electrode of an electrolytic cell in a period of 2.75 h?
If 3.00×10^-3 kg of gold is deposited on the negative electrode of an electrolytic cell in a period of 2.75 h, what is the current in the cell during that period? Assume the gold ions carry one elementary unit of positive charge. A
Can we use LPG kit of a car for hydrogen fuel ?
If not what changes are nsessary . In our country hydrogen kits are impossible to find . So i am thinking of modifying LPG KIT . . Plz help with ur views & links on the subjact. . !
How will the government try to recover tax dollars when we convert to alternative fuel cars?
Let’s face it – weather it’s electric, fuel cell, hydrogen… whatever, our government makes a bundle in tax revenue when we fuel up! Since we’re now in the “save the world police/banking” industry, what happens when revenue shrinks due to citizens making better choices? When we stop buying so much gas, will it starve the […]
EBN – Part 6 – The D3/Scarecrow Report
Part 6. This is what happens when d3adp001 comes to visit for 10 days with SmartScarecrow. Non stop, no holds barred, lets see what makes it work, and lets see what dont. This is a continuation of our report on the lessons learned. Running a cheap Chinese 3.5 4-Stroke engine on 100% HHO. This is […]
in an electrolytic cell, does oxidation take place at the anode or the cathode?
where does reduction take place?