How do you feel about Nuclear power plants as a source of energy?
I have yet to make up my mind on Nuclear Energy, I would just like to see how you feel about it. I know some facts, but I would like to gain more knowlege. Also what are your ideas on Cold Fission? Also if you could give you age that would be helpful, by all […]
They say that nuclear Energy is clean for the environment, but the waste product that is left over is not?
Recyclable and has to be buried under ground and is hazardous for 100 of thousands of years…How is this any better than buring garbage in a landfill and being unable to use the land?
U.S. History Please Help?
For items 1-5, match each term with its description below. Type the letter of your answer choice in the box below each description. *You will NOT use all the terms. Roe v. Wade migrant farm worker National Organization for Women (NOW) Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Latino Ralph Nader Japanese American Citizens […]
How do they get nuclear fission to take place in a Reactor?
In power plants, how does this happen?
What are some good things about nuclear energy?
Im doing a group debate tomorrow, about why you should use Nuclear energy as opposed to Fossil Fuels, Hydroelectric, and Solar energy. I will be presenting our opening statement, and any good things to include would be a great help.
What did they say ?
“I haven’t committed a crime. What I did was fail to comply with the law.†David Dinkins, New York City Mayor, answering accusations that he failed to pay his taxes. “They gave me a book of checks. They didn’t ask for any deposits.†Congressman Joe Early (D-Mass) at a press conference to answer questions about […]
how does this pic explain how nuclear energy is clean?
would you plz tell me how does this picture explain how nuclear energy is clean and beneficial?? thank you :) i meant how can i use this picture to talk about how nuclear energy can be beneficial and clean? thanks :)
Part 2 How close can your average car get to a fission reactor?
part 2
How nuclear energy works
VA Company Faces Penalty for Chemical Spill
VA Company Faces Penalty for Chemical Spill The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is ordering Babcock & Wilcox Nuclear Operations Group to pay a $32,500 civil penalty following a chemical spill. Read more on WHSV Harrisonburg
why is the environmental left against clean nuclear energy?
Gundam Seed: Freedom vs. Providence (Full Battle, No Filler)
High Quality Link Technical Specifications Model number: ZGMF-X10A Code name: Freedom Gundam Unit type: prototype assault mobile suit Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau Operator(s): ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty); Three Ships Alliance First deployment: 5 May CE 71 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: head height 18.03 meters Weight: max gross […]
What is the best way to completely eliminate nuclear arms and nuclear energy?
If you were a leader of a country and wanted to eliminate all nuclear weapons and energy, what would be a few of your first priorities on your to do list?
Yucca Mountain’s nuclear fallout: lost jobs
Yucca Mountain’s nuclear fallout: lost jobs State and local leaders have spent a quarter century fighting the plan to make Nevada the dumping ground for the nation’s highest-level nuclear waste. But even as the Yucca Mountain repository site turns into a virtual ghost town, proponents of the project vow not to let thousands of job […]
China Has Indirect Stake in U.S. Reactor Fuel Maker
China Has Indirect Stake in U.S. Reactor Fuel Maker The Chinese government’s sovereign wealth fund is a minority owner in the Noble Group, which bought a stake in America’s only provider of enriched fuel uranium. Read more on New York Times
What are the good and bad side of nuclear energy in our world?
What are the good and bad side of nuclear energy in our world? How was it used already for good and bad purposes?
Will Nuclear Energy Rise Up As The Only Clean Power Generator For The Future?
Scientists, World leaders, Eco Groups are all hunting for clean energy, so far nothing has proven usable other than whats available. Will Nuclear Power Plants of Massive Scale be the future power generators? Revising the question, So what is the cleanest and cost effective energy source we have? What will be the types that most […]
WTF? is going on?????
WASHINGTON – The government is taking too long to secure radioactive materials across the country that could get into terrorists’ hands, according to a government report. ADVERTISEMENT Radioactive material used for legitimate purposes in medical equipment and food, for instance, could be used to create an explosive device known as a dirty bomb. Experts believe […]
19th Century Fission Reactor In Action
This is my rendition of a 17th century model fission reactor “steampunky thing” How it “works” the depicted neutron gun fires at the lens with focuses it onto the container of the americitrilithium solution causing it to decay producing heat witch is collected to produce steam I’m working on a way to pressurized the large […]
How do i find the return on cost for a nuclear energy plant?
I found out that a nuclear energy plant charges a household 1.7 cents/kw-h and it costs around 2 billion to build the nuclear energy plant but I don’t know what to do with that information.