After reading this, do you still think the US is safer than it was pre- 9/11 ?? WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Undercover investigators, working for a fake firm, obtained a license to buy enough radioactive material to build a “dirty bomb,” amid little scrutiny from federal regulators, according to a government report obtained on Wednesday. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued the license to the dummy company in just 28 days with […]
Is this a feasible way of having clean nuclear energy, plus possibly heightening the nation’s energy supply?
I came up with an idea, but I’m not sure if it will result in a neutral, positive, or a negative when it comes to harnessing energy. We have nuclear power plants that create nuclear waste. Because of the nuclear waste, energy ideas are being diverted away from nuclear power. What to do with the […]
During the nuclear fission reaction in a reactor that generates electricity, uranium-235 releases?
Aprotons. Belectrons. Cneutrons. Dbeta particles. Egamma rays.
WEMB News at Nuclear Regulatory Commission Conference
March 2, 2010: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission officially responds to a October 2009 incident, in which gas fumes were released unexpectedly at Erwin Nuclear Fuel Services. The NRC questions whether proper safety procedures were checked before operations were reinstated less than a month later.
How can Nuclear energy be used in peace ?
I no that nuclear energy can be used to form distructive nuclear bombs but it can be also a very useful way to treat some diseases. Please explain to me this fact or support me with a website that dicusses this issue. Thank you for your help.
Obama Fights For Nuclear, Environmentalists Label Him a Shill
Obama Fights For Nuclear, Environmentalists Label Him a Shill Nuclear plant, nuclear fuel facility, and loan agreements all advancing, despite protests Read more on AnandTech
Is it reasonable to believe that the center of the Earth is a fission reactor?
steady heat heavy elements sink helium trapped underground
What are the potential consequences of using nuclear energy?
I’m answering questions for one of my classes and this is one of them: What are the potential consequences of using nuclear energy? Help Please
Green Glowing Snot Is Bad!
Image taken on 2009-06-23 22:50:27 by Vermin Inc.
Why is it when folks talk about clean energy, nuclear energy is always at the top of the list?
The hazardous life of a radioactive element (the length of time that must elapse before the material is considered safe) is at least 10 half-lives. Therefore, Plutonium-239 (byproduct of nuclear energy) will remain hazardous for at least 240,000 years. (24,000 being it’s half life: And this is considered clean energy? What person in their […]
In a nuclear fission reactor, what is the “blue glow” in the used fuel rods?
Which of the following are true of nuclear energy and reactors? Check all that apply only 4 choices?
Which of the following are true of nuclear energy and reactors? Check all that apply. A. Nuclear fission is done by joining nuclei together into a bigger nucleus. B. Nuclear reactors use controlled reactions. C. Nuclear reactors use lots of material. D. Nuclear fission reactions use only a small amount of material.
We are safe! What a joke!!?
WASHINGTON – Congressional investigators set up a bogus company with only a postal box and within a month obtained a license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that allowed them to buy enough radioactive material for a small “dirty bomb.” Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., who will ask the NRC about the incident at a Senate hearing […]
Is it legal to build a small nuclear fission breeder reactor in your garage?
My guess, probably not
How can nuclear energy benfefit our environment?
I’m doing a project on nuclear energy and I need a bunch of facts about it. So can u guys please help! Thanks!
Nuclear Dumps Argue Over Diluting Waste for Burial
Nuclear Dumps Argue Over Diluting Waste for Burial The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is reconsidering its rules to allow moderately radioactive materials to be diluted into a milder category that is easier to bury. Read more on New York Times
define: political science?
Tell me how at least one of these federal regulatory agencies directly affect your daily life. Doesnt have to be one listed. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC): enforces federal safety standards Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): establishes and enforces pollution standards Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC): administers and enforces Title VIII or the Civil Rights Act […]
JEA discusses nuclear energy
JEA discusses nuclear energy President Barack Obama discussed the need for renewable energy sources during his primetime address to the nation Tuesday, yet one source he didn’t mention was recently at the forefront of discussion among JEA officials and its board: nuclear energy. Read more on Jacksonville Daily Record
what are the main advantage of a fusion reactor compared to a fission reactor?
John McCain: Town Hall Meeting 07/09/08
John McCain Town Hall Meeting Portsmouth, OH 07/09/08 TRANSCRIPT: JOHN MCCAIN: “[…] We will develop more clean energy. Nuclear power is the most dependable source of zero-emission energy we have. We will build at least 45 nuclear plants that will create over 700000 good jobs to construct and operate them. And what’s going to be […]