Lawsuits threatens to destroy Joe Biden’s green energy agenda.

A clash between environmental conservation and renewable energy has escalated into a federal lawsuit, casting a shadow over President Joe Biden’s ambitious green energy agenda. At the heart of the legal battle lies the proposed Virginia Offshore Wind project, which has triggered concerns about its potential impact on endangered North Atlantic right whales. Conservative groups, […]
How To Survive the Power Grid Going Down

The biggest threat to humanity is a grid-down scenario, and many people don’t even think about it, give it the light of day, or have even considered it. Yet, the fact that this looming threat is not a question of if but a question of when should give many people pause. Now, America’s power grid […]
Ten examples of fake unlimited energy devices and why do people make them?

In today’s world, many people are searching for ways to reduce their energy costs and become more energy independent. Unfortunately, there are people out there who are taking advantage of this desire by creating fake unlimited energy videos and devices that they claim can provide free electricity. These scams prey on people’s hopes and dreams […]
Elon Musk on Ted 2022 talks about Twitter, Tesla and the future.

Elon Musk on Ted 2022 talks about Twitter, Tesla and the future. Elon Musk will be joining us here live on stage for a conversation.Rumor has it there are a few things to talk about with him, we will see but before that I just want to show you something special. I want you […]
Biden fact-checked over claims about oil companies and oil production

Western Energy Alliance President Kathleen Sgamma fact-checks President Biden’s letter to top oil executives and discusses what Biden can do to combat high gas prices. Let’s bring in kathleen scott of Western energy alliance President. It is great to see you today to Break down this letter the President said energy companies Where he scolded […]
What is Three Mile Island and what really happened?

The US Nuclear Regulation Commission states that the the plant experienced a failure in the secondary non-nuclear section of the plant, one or two reactors on the site. Either a mechanical or electrical failure prevented the main feedwater pumps, component in the animated diagram, from sending water to the steam generators that remove heat from the reactor core. This caused the plant’s turbine
Pros and Cons: Alternative Energy (school project)
This is for a school project that I threw together, it was a late night, but I hope you enjoy me screwing around in my bedroom and making fun of the people t… Video Rating: 5 / 5
Oil, Conspiracy & the Middle East Cold War with Pepe Escobar – Illuminati Documentary
Oil, Conspiracy & the Middle East Cold War with Pepe Escobar – Illuminati Documentary Welcome to my Illuminati Documentary Channel! subscribe for more video Illuminati Documentary – Best… Video Rating: 5 / 5
Chat 57: Free Energy Suppression with Foster Gamble
The Higherside Chat – Episode 57: Free Energy Suppression, ET Contact, & The Thrive Movement with Foster Gamble. [Partial version – see links for full versio… Video Rating: 4 / 5 – A magnetic electricity generator is also widely known as a free electricity generator. The idea is to use the force of mag…
Freie Energie Doku – Nikola Tesla und Co (SD)
Steven D. Kelley’s presentation on Nikola Tesla, his life inventions, technology and relevant subject.
Nicola Tesla Secret
Nicola Tesla Secret – Commonly known as the Nicola Tesla Secret E book, this e book teaches you all the secrets to get to… Video Rating: 0 / 5 This is my personal tribute to Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest scientists of all time and my idol. Video Rating: 5 / 5
David Blume | The Alcohol Conspiracy & The Road Map To Energy Independence
Today’s guest, David Blume has been hard at work trying to undo decades worth of Big Oil’s propaganda on fuel and energy. He reveals the true motive behind a…
Conspiracy Philosophy, Mark LeClair, Energy Magic, Josh Toms Vinny Eastwood Show 14Feb2013
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND GIVE A THUMBS UP! If you’re reading this at click “Original Article” for the video. Vinny’s NUTShell: Hour 1: Mark L… Video Rating: 4 / 5
Oil Price Fixing Conspiracy story on KNBC-TV
In 1979, KNBC-TV reporter Warren Olney and Unit 4 Investigative Team Executive Producer Pete Noyes produced this 15-minute news segment that, for the fist ti… Video Rating: 5 / 5
Peak Oil scientifically disproved (there is no oil shortage)
In response to some viewer comments, this updated video takes a purely scientific approach to the Peak Oil myth. It exposes the eco-zealot conspiracy to deny…
The Energy Conspiracy – Petrodollar Recycling, Big Oil, and Money
AlienScientist discusses Cold Fusion and the Energy Conspiracy with William Alek: Italian Cold Fusion Announcement:… Video Rating: 4 / 5 BIBLICALRESEARCHLABS MARK13RECORDS… Video Rating: 0 / 5
Nikola Tesla (Smiljan, 10. July 1856. – New York, 7. January 1943. This is video about birthplace and memorial center of Nikola Tesla, croatian scientist. Me…
Video Rating: 5 / 5 A lifelong believer in the public’s right to information and technology, Nikola Tesla gave up the chance to profit from his life’s work. This interview was f… Video Rating: 4 / 5
The Suppression of Free Energy
Any energy technology that cannot be metered and make a fortune for the City of London and the International Bankers will always be suppressed.
The Free Energy Conspiracy
renewable energy is one of the biggest problems we face and as i say where threes a problem there a conspiracy theory.