The biggest threat to humanity is a grid-down scenario, and many people don’t even think about it, give it the light of day, or have even considered it. Yet, the fact that this looming threat is not a question of if but a question of when should give many people pause.
Now, America’s power grid is aging, and Congress has known it for years. Reams of federal agency reports have been presented that confirm that if a man-made attack, a cyber war, or a terrorist, even a solar event or weather took down the electrical grid, thousands or even millions of Americans will die. This could be catastrophic for the world as well because the grids are connected.
Here’s just one of the dozens of recent reports on how fragile the grid is on planet Earth. Now, a long-term grid collapse will precipitate all other disasters you can think of: starvation, freezing, lack of water, sanitation-related illnesses, medical issues, lack of medicines, and the obvious civil unrest. And it doesn’t honestly matter how the grid goes down. It’s already established it’s not a matter of if the grid will go down, it’s a matter of when.
Terrorists have already tried more times than we’ve heard about, but if you already have a preparedness mindset and are diligently prepping, you’re going to fare better than the average person. That’s a good thing because if you’re going to prepare for one disaster, a medium to long-term power outage is the one you want to prep for.
You see, America’s power grid is woefully inadequate, outdated, and ill-prepared for an attack or even a natural disaster, whether it comes in the form of an EMP from North Korea, Russia, or Chinese hackers, or any other source. The power grid isn’t something you can rely on daily. What you need to know is how to survive a power grid attack or at least prepare yourself for a power outage at the very least.
In tonight’s podcast, we’re going to cover all the major threats and what you can do to protect yourself and your family. There are four things that will increase the chances of power grid failure, and the most imminent is EMP. EMP or weapons can arguably do a lot more damage when detonated in low orbit than actually being dropped on a city. Basically, if a nuclear weapon got detonated at a high enough altitude in low orbit, it would interact with our atmosphere, including the ionosphere. The end result would be a shower of electricity on Earth, which is something we’ve never seen but has been modeled. Based on the modeling, it could take out the power grid for half of the country or more localized, but it would cause massive destruction, and the grid would be out for years.
Then we have solar flares. We’re long overdue for a Carrington event. The last time it happened was in 1859, and large x-class solar flares hit Earth approximately every 150 years. So we’re decades overdue for a large solar flare. These flares could take out a huge chunk of the power grid. It’s pretty much the same as an EMP, only provided by the Sun. This natural phenomenon cannot be controlled by mankind. If the sun decides to send off a huge solar flare directly at us, there is nothing we can do to prepare for it except be prepared, not scared. In 1989, a solar flare knocked out the power for millions of Canadians for nine hours. Some scientists have speculated that it’s a when, not if situation that’s more likely than an EMP attack.
Now, the easiest way that the grid can be compromised is cyber attacks. This is the main potential cause of a massive power outage that the government has been planning for. Even Congress has reason to believe that malicious hackers, either in the employ of terrorist groups or perhaps foreign state actors, are looking into ways to disable the American power grid and take us over. China would be the number one person we’d be looking at or country. Even low-level cyber vandalism could knock out the power where you live for weeks, maybe even months. While the power is on in the rest of the country, it would make things easier for you and your family. You would still need to prepare even for a brief localized outage. In a worst-case scenario, the same hackers can cause localized disasters around a power plant using machinery.
But the biggest threat, in my opinion as a geologist, is infrastructure failure. This could come from failing infrastructure and the grid failing all by itself. But the most dangerous thing is natural disasters because these grids are tied together. A major natural disaster, let’s say continent-scale like a Cascadia super thrust mega-tsunami, could take out enough of the grid to cause the entire world to go into darkness for years. The American power grid is old and poorly maintained, which means it doesn’t take an EMP, a solar flare, or a cyber attack from an international crime scene to take it down. In fact, an electrical grid failure in one part of the country could quickly spread to another due to the grid’s interconnectivity.
As you can see, there are a number of threats to the power grid, most of which are out of our control, some of them man-made, some natural, and others due to human failure or the effects of time. The main thing is that you know how to survive if the power grid goes down. If you’re not prepared, it’s not going to happen that way.
Learn how to survive any disaster from a power grid going down to a full on zombie apocalypse at Apocalypse Discussion:
Essentials you want to make sure you have in the event of a long-term power outage include:
- Water: You’ll need one gallon of water per person per day for drinking, cooking, bathing, and cleaning. Having an unlimited supply of water is ideal, possibly through a well on your property.
- Food: Stock up on non-perishable food items that can sustain you for an extended period. Canned food, rice, beans, and food storage containers are essential.
- Light: Ensure you have a reliable source of light, including flashlights, batteries, candles, and fire starters. Consider self-contained solar lighting systems as well.
- Communication: Invest in communication tools like radios to stay in touch with family members and gather information about the situation.
- Medications and First Aid: Stock up on essential medications and first aid supplies, as access to medical care may be limited.
- Protection: Consider your safety and security. Having self-defense tools and knowing how to use them can be crucial during uncertain times.
- Weather Preparedness: Be ready for extreme weather conditions, whether it’s extreme heat or cold. Dress appropriately and take measures to stay cool or warm.
- Carbon Monoxide Safety: Be aware of the risks of carbon monoxide poisoning, especially if using generators or heating sources. Ensure proper ventilation and avoid indoor fires.
- Community Preparedness: Educate your neighbors and work together to ensure your community is prepared for potential disasters.
Remember, being prepared is not about living in fear but being proactive and responsible. It’s essential to have a plan and supplies in place to protect yourself and your family during a grid-down scenario or other emergencies.