What is the most convincing alien video on youtube?
Feel free to share any conspiracy video.. My new hobby is browsing youtube. Better then going out to a movie these days!!! I love alien videos and controversial subjects. Such as Zero point energy and anti-gravity.. or cures for diseases…. funny thing is I find myself being convinced a good bit with a lot of […]
Panacea’s Free Energy Suppression production (Part 1, Segment 9 of 53)
Panacea’s FREE energy suppression documentary researcher’s edition. Over 5 years of research has enabled us to collect over 10 hours of data to illustrate how bad the problem is and justify ours or ANY proposed solution. Panacea’s FREE energy suppression documentary (researcher’s edition) is material intended to help the media publish the information to the […]
How did Nikola Tesla’s energy transmitter and reciever work and where can I find schematics or information?
Bush Oil Tycoon Conspiracy ?
I can’t seen to find any proof / source Bush has any current Oil investments. All I found was info on a past failed exploration company. Is this another Dem Conspiracy theory?
Why do you conspiracy theorists keep saying that Obama hasn’t released his birth certificate?
This is so idiotic! He HAS released it! What do you want, for him to put it on display in the Smithsonian?? I guarantee you anyone with a right to examine it has examined it, or else the courts would be challenging his presidency already. They’re not going to wait and sit on their thumbs, […]
Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Ðикола ТеÑла) (10 July 1856 7 January 1943) was an inventor and a mechanical and electrical engineer. Tesla was born in the village of Smiljan near the town of Gospić, in Croatia (then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire). He was an ethnic Serb subject of the Austrian Empire and later became […]
Whats really going on in the world? Israel, Palestine, Iraq, 911, USA, British, Zionists, (continued)…..?
Whats really going on in the world? Israel, Palestine, Iraq, 911, USA, British, Zionists, Nazis, Hamas, Hezbollah, Alquida, A.D.L, Controlled Media, King Solomon, Knights Templar, Free Masons, Bohemian Groove, Skull and Bones, Bilderburg, N.W.O, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Free Energy, Stanley Meyer, Water Fuel Cell, Oil, Global Warming, Chem Trails, and etc. There are 3 sides to […]
Panacea’s Free Energy Suppression production (Part 1, Segment 7 of 53)
Panacea’s FREE energy suppression documentary researcher’s edition. Over 5 years of research has enabled us to collect over 10 hours of data to illustrate how bad the problem is and justify ours or ANY proposed solution. Panacea’s FREE energy suppression documentary (researcher’s edition) is material intended to help the media publish the information to the […]
More conspiracy theories from the Left. Don’t libs ever get tired of tossing the “Big Oil” phrase around?
Check out how stupid the libs look when they get all caught up in their “Big Oil” conspiracies: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/usoilpollutionenvironmentpalinobama;_ylt=Al.8KtvszeZxYX8RGDfJTZt0fNdF Dave: No mystery at all. Did you check the link? “Liberals are better”: Thanks for checking the link. I was sarcastically highlighting the nauseating hypocrisy of Politicians.
The Tesla Conspiracy: Mark DeMucha Pt.4
Mark DeMucha is the son of a Los Angeles Police Department Narcotics Detective. This aided in his early interest in the science of investigation. Mark has been a religious educator, missionary, and student of theology. He joined the military and due to an injury, his career camr to an abrupt end. He then had the […]
Who was Nikola Tesla and what did he do in his lifetime?
I have to research him for History, and I want to know at least something about him to help me start.
Oil and Gas Conspiracy Ripping You OFF!
Highindemand.ws Finally Get The Inside Secret To Why The Oil And Gas Companies Are Ripping YOU Off In Your Sleep And While You’re Awake And What You Can Do To Turn The Tables On Them To Get Back Up To 33% Of Your Money Using This SHOCKING Loophole. Why your paying way too much at […]
Zero Point Energy?
I watched a video called “The Disclosure Project” it was very informative and enteresting. But in this video one of the speakers “Srg. Clifford Stone” spoke of “zero point energy.” I would like some credited information on this subject. Maybe something that not everyone has seen. I looked it up and all I could find […]
What did the first radio made by Nikola Tesla look like? Please i need an answer by tommorow?
I cant find a diagram of it on the internet or anything i need a picture for a social studies project im doing. Also where was teslas lab at when he created the radio and did it send sound or just radio waves.
Panacea’s Free Energy Suppression production (Part 1, Segment 6 of 53)
Panacea’s FREE energy suppression documentary researcher’s edition. Over 5 years of research has enabled us to collect over 10 hours of data to illustrate how bad the problem is and justify ours or ANY proposed solution. Panacea’s FREE energy suppression documentary (researcher’s edition) is material intended to help the media publish the information to the […]
Stanley Meyer BUGGY FOUND 2008
pic img.blog.yahoo.co.kr img.blog.yahoo.co.kr
What do you guys think about the possibility of a price gouging conspiracy in the oil and gas industry?
Does Prof. Steven E. Jones, the oft cited BYU conspiracy theory guru, have any credibility whatsoever?
Steven E. Jones is a professor at Brigham Young University. He has created the paper which has created the ground swell around the 911 conspiracy theories. His paper was peer reviewed but not by a civil engineering journal. One would think a serious professor would get his paper peer reviewed by a scientific journal which […]
How did Nikola Tesla become so “dissed” in documented history?
The man was an absolute genius. I think Edison got where he did because of Tesla’s ideas. How did Edison become the frontrunner?
Panacea’s Free Energy Suppression production (Part 2, Segment 2 of 31)
Panacea’s FREE energy suppression documentary researcher’s edition. Over 5 years of research has enabled us to collect over 10 hours of data to illustrate how bad the problem is and justify ours or ANY proposed solution. Panacea’s FREE energy suppression documentary (researcher’s edition) is material intended to help the media publish the information to the […]