Highindemand.ws Finally Get The Inside Secret To Why The Oil And Gas Companies Are Ripping YOU Off In Your Sleep And While You’re Awake And What You Can Do To Turn The Tables On Them To Get Back Up To 33% Of Your Money Using This SHOCKING Loophole. Why your paying way too much at the pumps and a very sneaky way to GET YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY BACK Discover why the government is turning a blind eye to your situation and what you can do to put pressure on them simply by…
9 Responses
This type of technology was available In the 80s. Obviously we are being kept in the dark about this.
Its time to put them big oil boys out of bussines forever.
Hydros AREN’T good for the enviroment. You permanently change the ecosystem around the dam and aquatic life is drastically affected.
everything is expensive because of energy… food, light, heat, any goods, even water!
this seems like a great solution being that water ( well natural rain water) contains no harmful chemicals what so ever. BUT haven’t you noticed what’s happening world wide??? Drought……so suddenly water doesn’t seem to be the solution now does it?
I am a proponent of this more efficient form of energy…
yes they can. the government bought out the system from the inventor in order to keep selling gas…do ur research
in washington here they say hydros arnt good for envirment its stupid
oh god this has already been hashed over cars cant run on water