The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

Will Exxon ever pay for the damage Exxon Valdez disaster caused?

The oil spill accident happened nearly 20 years ago. And while Exxon is raking in record profits, the company still hasn’t paid out much for the massive damage it caused in Alaska? Will Exxon appeal the $500 million ruling and drag out the payout for another 20 years?

Why does the left want our foreign competitors to benefit from our oil spill disaster?

America cannot run or progress without oil products and shutting down offshore and other drilling simply hands our enemies and competitors a bonanza. High priced gas will eliminate jobs and thereby taxes coming into the all powerful federal gov’t. There is no alternative for oil for decades – windmills will not work on vehicles. America […]

Top 11 Expesivest Disasters..?

11 Most Expensive Catastrophes in History # 11. Titanic – $150 Million The sinking of the Titanic is possibly the most famous accident in the world. But it barely makes our list of top 10 most expensive. On April 15, 1912, the Titanic sank on its maiden voyage and was considered to be the most […]

What do you think about oil spill disaster?

I am italian, I apologize for any errors in English… Here, TV news talk less about oil spill in the USA… now, what is the situation??? someone speaks of nuclear explosions to solve the problem, is the truth?

Oil Spill Day 58: It Only Gets Worse [Disasters]

Oil Spill Day 58: It Only Gets Worse [Disasters] # disasters [ BP executives will meet President Obama today , after a nationally televised scolding and news that 60,000 barrels of crude are being pumped into the Gulf of Mexico every day. Image via Getty ] More » Read more on Gawker