Where do you stand on nuclear energy?
Just out of curiosity. I’m not sure that wind and solar alone could meet the rising demand for energy very efficiently. Could nuclear energy be more useful for plug-in cars or possibly to make hydrogen for vehicles? Just curious on what people’s personal thoughts are, not looking for any insults. Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing […]
Radioactive gas detected after N.Korea nuclear claim
Radioactive gas detected after N.Korea nuclear claim Seoul (AFP) June 21, 2010 South Korea detected a high level of xenon gas – a by-product of atomic tests – two days after the North claimed last month to have staged a successful nuclear experiment, officials said Monday. North Korea announced on May 12 it had conducted […]
What are the ways that Solar Energy is more environment-friendly and feasible than Nuclear Energy?
The more, the better. The arguments should be at least remotely feasible. I’m looking for ecological arguments why Solar Energy is a better alternative than Nuclear Reactors. Just list as many as you can come up with.
I’m wondering whether it’s technically possible even now to build a nuclear based ion drive?
as a means to explore nearby stars or just simply to get to closer objects outside our 8 planet solar system such as the Kuiper belt or the Ortt cloud. If so,would it be truly worth the mission,since ion engines tend to take a real long time to achieve high speeds,since they operate the opposite […]
Should we be proposing the constrution of more nuclear power plants as clean energy alternative?
If so, should we bury the waste, or just dump it into the ocean ?
The fractional change of mass to energy in a fission reactor is about 0.1%, or 1 part in a thousand…?
For each kilogram of uranium that undergoes fission, how much energy is released? If energy costs three cents per megajoule, how much is this energy worth in dollars?
How is nuclear energy produced commercially?
this is a question in a book i need to finish for my home work. ive read the section about nuclear energy but i cant find the answer so please help.
anyone know if you can create a self contained and or a sustained fusion reaction, like in a fission reactor?
Pros and Cons of using nuclear energy to produce electricity?
Please give me some pros and cons of using nuclear energy for producing electricity! List as many as you know.
Any news about nuclear powered propulsion systems for spacecraft ?
well actually the ion-propulsion system is KNOWN Are there any real alternatives which do NOT fall into the category of fiction ? please don’t torture the subject with the terms WARP-DRIVE, Element 115, UFO and ‘faster than light’ I’m asking about serious stuff
Nuclear fission reactor questions? Chemistry AS Help?
A typical nuclear fission reactor contains a mix of uranium and plutonium isotopes, such as uranium-235 and plutonium-239. Fill in the following: Uranium-235: Number of protons – Number of neutrons – Number of electrons – 92 Uranium-233 Number of protons – Number of neutrons – 141 Number of electrons – Plutonium-239 Number of protons – […]
How do you feel about nuclear energy?
I must gather information on nuclear energy for a forensics project. I got the facts, but how do you feel? What are your OPINIONS?
How do you feel about Nuclear power plants as a source of energy?
I have yet to make up my mind on Nuclear Energy, I would just like to see how you feel about it. I know some facts, but I would like to gain more knowlege. Also what are your ideas on Cold Fission? Also if you could give you age that would be helpful, by all […]
They say that nuclear Energy is clean for the environment, but the waste product that is left over is not?
Recyclable and has to be buried under ground and is hazardous for 100 of thousands of years…How is this any better than buring garbage in a landfill and being unable to use the land?
What are some differences and similarities in solar power and nuclear power?
Could you tell me a few differences in between solar power and nuclear power?Also could you tell a few similarities?anything would be great.Thanks!
How do they get nuclear fission to take place in a Reactor?
In power plants, how does this happen?
What are some good things about nuclear energy?
Im doing a group debate tomorrow, about why you should use Nuclear energy as opposed to Fossil Fuels, Hydroelectric, and Solar energy. I will be presenting our opening statement, and any good things to include would be a great help.
how does this pic explain how nuclear energy is clean?
would you plz tell me how does this picture explain how nuclear energy is clean and beneficial?? http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd309/ronya1/Picture1.png thank you :) i meant how can i use this picture to talk about how nuclear energy can be beneficial and clean? thanks :)
Part 2 How close can your average car get to a fission reactor?
part 2