The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

9 Responses

  1. Nuclear power is the way to go. It’s clean, long term, and if we can get past all the superstitions and politics, we could use the spent fuel rods over and over again like Europe and parts of Asia do, so nuclear energy would be even more efficient and sustainable.

    The result, one side benefit would be huge; the creation of more jobs.

  2. As a former nuclear power technician, I think a modern conservatively designed nuclear power plant can operate safely and efficiently. All of the electric cars in the world will not solve the fuel problem if we do not build the power plants to recharge their batteries. Wind power, solar power, wave power, all are intermittent but nuclear is very consistent. The US Navy has operated more nuclear power plants for more hours than all the civilian plants combined, with no accidents. It can be done if it is done with strict, enforcement of the regulations.

  3. Nuclear power is not the best way to go when it comes to producing energy. Since the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant in Ukraine (when a reactor exploded and tons of radioactive fallout dispersed into the atmosphere and the surrounding area), the United States banned the construction of any more nuclear plants in the U.S. because we saw the potential dangers of producing energy from nuclear power. This was a good decision because existing nuclear plants in the U.S. sometimes dump their nuclear waste into bodies of water such as oceans, lakes, and rivers. Also, nuclear waste requires thousands of years to decay and in turn become non-radioactive, so it is a potential threat to humans because we can develop radiation poisoning from being around the waste. Nuclear energy does not pollute the earth as much as some other sources, but the leaders of our nation picked human safety over the environment. I hope this information was of interest to you.

  4. Wait for an earth quake to hit and then lets see if you think its still safe. Just because it hasnt happened in your life time when I know its happened in mine (chenobyl), then I will laugh at yous and your stupid ideas.

  5. nuclear power is just an evil rich jerk way of keeping energy expensive so that they can keep making money on it. Its also got all of the knee jerk reaction problems everybody else knows about. If we built 100 geothermal power plants instead of 45 nuclear ones, we could end the energy crisis in the next 4 years
    and convert over to electric cars and solar and geothermal and tidal and wind power.

    Nuclear power is a hundred times more expensive than geothermal. Nuclear power is indeed an insane useless alternative.

  6. Anyone who thinks that a nuclear facility is going to blow up is crazy. I would love to see a power plant a few miles from my house. I would be the first one to go apply for work. We have used nuclear energy on submarines for years. Yes they have been engaged in battle and no one has dies from an atomic issue.
    I hope America has the resolve this time to fix the energy issue.
    We do not need to buy oil from people who hate us.
    I personally think we need propane cars and we need to dam more rivers.
    Electric cars have been around for as long as the auto and they still are not the norm.

Where do you stand on nuclear energy?

Just out of curiosity. I’m not sure that wind and solar alone could meet the rising demand for energy very efficiently. Could nuclear energy be more useful for plug-in cars or possibly to make hydrogen for vehicles? Just curious on what people’s personal thoughts are, not looking for any insults.

Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing more nuclear power plants, and less coal. I like the idea of clean coal, though. What if we could use all forms of energy (nuclear, clean-coal, wind, solar) to power our future? Is it feasible or am I crazy?