Nuclear Dumps Argue Over Diluting Waste for Burial
Nuclear Dumps Argue Over Diluting Waste for Burial The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is reconsidering its rules to allow moderately radioactive materials to be diluted into a milder category that is easier to bury. Read more on New York Times
what are the main advantage of a fusion reactor compared to a fission reactor?
JEA discusses nuclear energy
JEA discusses nuclear energy President Barack Obama discussed the need for renewable energy sources during his primetime address to the nation Tuesday, yet one source he didn’t mention was recently at the forefront of discussion among JEA officials and its board: nuclear energy. Read more on Jacksonville Daily Record
What is the importance of wave energy and nuclear energy to the Caribbean?
Even if you don’t come from the Caribbean, please help. In fact, you can just tell me the importance of wave and nuclear energy to any country and I’ll find a way to use it.
The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace.Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy.The benifits?
The threat of nuclear weapon maintain the world peace.Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy .The benifits of nuclear technology overweigh the disadvantages .do you agree?
What are the candidates positions on nuclear energy? Don’t we need to build new nuclear power plants now?
In order to lessen our dependence on oil. From what I understand, it is impossible to find any spot on Earth that would be seismically inactive for the next 10,000 years. Aren’t the Democrats just pandering to the Nevada vote? This should not deter the development of nuclear energy, as waste can be stored if […]
clean nuclear energy is good right now?
how is clean nuclear energy good for the environment? how can clean nuclear energy help today’s recession/depression? why is it a good idea to start working on this project now, in this economic state? (pls dont argue about why it is not a good idea. my teacher gave me a side, so i have to […]
why can a fission reactor get out of control but a fusion reactor can not?
Nuclear plants to generate 1/4 of global electricity by 2050: IAEA
Nuclear plants to generate 1/4 of global electricity by 2050: IAEA PARIS, Thursday 17 June 2010 (Bernama) — Almost one quarter of global electricity could be generated from nuclear power by 2050, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in a report published Wednesday, bestowing nuclear a major contributor to cut greenhouse gas emissions, reports […]
Does the current gas price “gouging” have anything to do with not using nuclear energy?
I always felt that the campaign in the 80’s to condemn nuclear energy far as too dangerous for electricity (but not for submarines) was a conspiracy by the oil industry to maintain profits. Do we now see they financial success!?
Is nuclear energy a form of ‘clean energy’?
I got an email from a group I am part of and they said Obama should push for clean energy rather than natural gas and nuclear… My thoughts were gas is better than oil, and isnt nuclear a clean energy. Correct me if I’m wrong, but its only biproducts are well-contained radioactive uranium, which can […]
Seabrook Nuclear Plant Seeks License Extension
Seabrook Nuclear Plant Seeks License Extension New Hampshire’s lone nuclear power plant is asking the federal government for permission to keep making power until 2050. Read more on WMUR New Hampshire
Does this story about investigators buying Nuclear Materials make you feel safe? WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Undercover investigators, working for a fake firm, obtained a license to buy enough radioactive material to build a “dirty bomb,” amid little scrutiny from federal regulators, according to a government report obtained on Wednesday. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued the license to the dummy company in just 28 days with […]
how does a chain reaction occur in a fission reactor or an atomic bomb?
Nuclear Regulatory Commission – Checklist to Provide a Basis for Confidence that Radioactive Materials will?
Step – 1 – Initial Screening – When asked whether an applicant is a known entity or unknown entity, how does the NRC define known or unknown? 1. If a Physician is an Authorized Physician User on a license and decides to open a Nuclear Medicine Clinic, would he or she be considered an known […]
what could possibly happen to neutrons produced in a fission reactor?
Can anyone tell me about the Nuclear Regulatory Commission?
I want to know: The number of members The length of their term The major responsibilities, functions, activities. Major subdivisions Major issues confronting the commission
Nuclear Power Generator
Located in the nuclear core of fission reactor are fuel rods, moderator, cooling fluid, and control rods. Each fuel rod contains tiny pelets of uranium dioxide in which fission reaction occurs. The fuel rode is surrended by water which acts as moderator by colliding with the neutron and slowing them to a low thermal level. […]
Bill Gates-Backed Nuclear Power Startup, TerraPower, Gets $35 Million
Bill Gates-Backed Nuclear Power Startup, TerraPower, Gets $35 Million Nuclear power, that oft-maligned source of clean energy, got a boost earlier this year when TerraPower announced plans to team up with Toshiba to build a hot tub-sized traveling-wave nuclear reactor. Now TerraPower is moving even closer to commercialization with news that investors–including Khosla Ventures and […]
Do conservatives want to do away with Nuclear Regulatory Commission?
It’s big government program which costs billions. And since some conservatives heat their houses with oil, gas, or electricity, why should they they pay anyway? Shouldn’t we have a free-market approach to fissile material?