The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

Behold! The Future Comes in a Ford Transit Van: Jason H. Harper

Behold! The Future Comes in a Ford Transit Van: Jason H. Harper I’ve given up on jetpacks. Star Wars light sabers? Not, apparently, in my lifetime. And if regular air travel is any indication, space tourism will be expensive and uncomfortable. Read more on Bloomberg

Delta II rocket with Dawn, using ion propulsion

National Aeronautics and Space Administration.John F. Kennedy Space Center.Kennedy Space Center, Florida 09/27/2007.GEORGE DILLER: Thirteen, twelve, green status board. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, main engine start, one, zero and liftoff of the Delta II rocket with Dawn, using ion propulsion to reach the catalysts of our solar system. MARK LAVIGNE: […]

Ion Engine – Post Process Water

A little sample of the current progress of the water post process effect in my ION engine (XNA). Reflections are still duff, but that should be fixed soon.

How do I hammer a nail?

And how do I make an electric ion propulsion engine? I want to build an ion propulsion engine and nail it to the top of my car so it will go really fast.

Coke Bottle Plasma Rocket Mockup

For more info, head to: Dr. Oleg Batishchev of MIT built this mockup of his Mini-Helicon Plasma Thruster last summer to demonstrate the principles of their system for maneuvering satellites with electrically charged nitrogen.

Can ion engines opperate with any gas as fuel?

Would it be possible to opperate an ion engine with other gasses apart from the noble gases currently in use? Lets say for example hydrogen? and if so,what benefits dissadvantages do different gasses represent?

Any news about nuclear powered propulsion systems for spacecraft ?

well actually the ion-propulsion system is KNOWN Are there any real alternatives which do NOT fall into the category of fiction ? please don’t torture the subject with the terms WARP-DRIVE, Element 115, UFO and ‘faster than light’ I’m asking about serious stuff

Buzz builds around electric cars as Nissan plans debut

Buzz builds around electric cars as Nissan plans debut As the Gulf of Mexico disaster casts an ugly spotlight on the pitfalls of global oil dependency, Japan’s auto giants are moving into high gear in a drive to mass-market electric cars. Read more on AFP via Yahoo! News

Lifter — electric ion propulsion thruster with PAYLOAD!

This is the second and improved version, it caries a payload heavier than a lifter itself!!! Automotive ignition coil is powered by solid state switch from a low freq signal generator. Just look at those sparks striking like a lightning! That amazing apparatus produces lift without any moving parts, by using electrical power to ionize […]

Problem with my standby Ion engine thruster ?

Since yesterday I had to use this freaking old fashioned Ion thruster while my antimatter converter is broken. Now this thing is sputtering too. The problem is….. I think I need a new valve on the antimatter intake valve, as I can only travel with ….now guess this LIGHTSPEED hahaha. I think my antimatter tank […]

new and possible space propulsion systems?

Is there any new form of space propulsion (besides ion drives,vasimr) currently being developed that could begin operation in the next 25 years or so to exceed the speed, efficiency, and range of the current space crafts that NASA and other space programs around the world use. Something that could perhaps reach the edge of […]

High thrust ion propulsion?

I’ve built an ion lifter, and it’s thrust is about 1 gram per watt… I was wondering if it would be possible to scale it up; let’s say I have a theoretical energy source that produces 200,000W. Could I build an ion engine that would produce 440.9 pounds? (200,000 grams = 440.924524 pounds) …and this […]

testing of ion engine

propulsion choice for the science fiction writters is becoming the propulsion choice for the scientists & enggs of NASA its most upgrowing field

World’s First Solar Sail Photographed in Deep Space

World’s First Solar Sail Photographed in Deep Space The world’s first solar sail, the unmanned Ikaros spacecraft built by Japan, shines in new photos taken by a tiny space camera during a deep space photo session. Read more on

Ion Engine

Mr. Ben Biddle’s Class (haha) watches an ion engine in motion.