Nuclear Regulation in Our Era
(May 18, 2010) Gregory Jaczko, Chairman of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, provides an impartial overview of the current regulatory environment for the maintenance and construction of large-scale nuclear power facilities in the United States with historical perspectives on major disasters and the lessons learned for provision of safe, clean energy in the future. Stanford […]
Investing in Clean, Safe Nuclear Energy
President Obama announces more than $8 billion in loan guarantees for two new nuclear reactors as part of the Administration’s commitment to providing clean energy and creating new jobs.
Why does McCain think that nuclear energy is “safe and clean”?
Does he even know what it is? ive got one duchess, i live in az. And no, im not a huge fan of it. and yes, i do know what it is, i live with it. there are much much much safer forms of energy. And Obamas plan includes much more than nuclear, thats why […]
NRC meeting to discuss Diablo Canyon Power Plant
NRC meeting to discuss Diablo Canyon Power Plant On Tuesday night the public has an opportunity to express safety concerns regarding the Diablo Canyon Power Plant with inspectors of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The NRC is holding a town hall meeting to discuss the plant’s 2009 performance, which officials say was among the best in […]
Nuclear fission reactor?
What is the main advantage of using fusion reactions to generate power? What is the plasma in the fusion reaction? How can spent fuel be reprocessed? What is the advantage of nuclear fuel compared to coal (for generation of power)? Thanks if you can answer any of these questions
Image taken on 2002-08-09 09:13:24 by Argonne National Laboratory.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission hearing on San Onofre Nuclear Power Station Nov 5 2009 Dana Point CA
This was the second person to speak at the hearing that night, after the formal presentations by San Onofre management and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Most of those present at the hearing were “SONGS” employees. The purpose of the hearing was to review what the utility had done to fix a “culture of cover-up” which […]
what is the difference between the fission process in atomic bomb and in a reactor?
Will the presidential candidates’ push of nuclear energy cause uranium stocks to soar this year?
It looks as thought the price of uranium has peaked but with all the candidates in the presidential election promising to increase our national production of nuclear energy, the price of uranium AND related stocks should soar, RIGHT??? Solid info gets u points!!! Thanks.
If We Are All For Clean Alternate Energy Sources, Why do so Many Democrats Oppose Nuclear Power?
Even a country like France has many more Nuclear Reactors than we do in the US. Why the opposition? Why do they want to hold us back?
Reporter’s Guide to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Jessica’s full profile on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is available now on our website at
fusion in fission reactor?
why doesn’t fusion reaction occur in reactors using heavy water as coolant? I do not mean chain reaction. Even a few instances. As for as I know, energy of the liberated neutrons is about 1 MeV, while fusion of deuteron requires about 5GeV. But if it is so, than how they create fusion in bombs. […]
What man made materials and structures are used to produce nuclear energy?
What man made materials and structures are used to produce nuclear energy???
Is nuclear energy a reasonable alternative to fossil fuels?
Nuclear energy is clean. It has caused 0 deaths in the United States. It outputs 2.7 million times more energy than coal. All we have to figure out is what to do with the waste. What’s your opinion on nuclear energy?
NEWS 11/3/09 – Arlington Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Learn more at
Davelanta Begins
Image taken on 2009-08-01 17:54:15 by Blogography.
What helpful ways can we use nuclear energy?
What are the helpful ways we can use nuclear energy? Thank You!
Supreme Court upholds Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Supreme Court upholds Sarbanes-Oxley Act The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the heart of the government’s response to accounting scandals at Enron and WorldCom, survived a Supreme Court test Monday almost unscathed. Supreme Court – United States Supreme Court – SarbanesâOxley Act – United States – Government Read more on Washington Post
Alternate Energy Holdings, Inc.’s Green World Water Receives Strong Global Interest in Desalination Reactors
Alternate Energy Holdings, Inc.’s Green World Water Receives Strong Global Interest in Desalination Reactors BOISE, Idaho — Alternate Energy Holdings, Inc. today announced that AEHI subsidiary Green World Water, which has developed the world’s first commercially available and competitively-priced nuclear desalination reactor that can produce clean water from the ocean and electricity simultaneously, including pumping […]
1/100 NG Freedom Gundam Model Review Part 1
1/100 NG Freedom review from gundam seed mobile suit info: Model number: ZGMF-X10A Code name: Freedom Gundam Unit type: prototype assault mobile suit Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau Operator(s): ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty); Three Ships Alliance First deployment: 5 May CE 71 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: head height 18.03 […]