Oil Refinery Explosion in Superior Wisconsin will have long lasting effects on environment.

Shanxi province in China attempts to save coal industry by sacrificing environment and people.

Environmentalists warn that Shanxi’s fight to save its ailing coal industry by handing out tax cuts will increase pollution, damage the environment and hurt it’s people. The centre of China’s coal industry is in steep decline. Shanxi province, in northern China, has long relied on its natural coal resources, but is now suffering […]
Geet Engine inventor jailed for sharing his alternative fuel engine
Are solar panels the best way to get electricity without harming the environment?
by Truthout.org Question by Jesse: Are solar panels the best way to get electricity without harming the environment? I have a project and im in grade nine the project is about saving electricity. We had many choices to choose from wind,hydro, solar, geothermal, nuclear and solar. I choose solar but now im wondering if i […]
Q&A: What are other environmentally friendly alternative energy sources?
by Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF) Question by l♥ve lockdown!: What are other environmentally friendly alternative energy sources? other than solar panels and turbines, what are other energy sources? what are the pros and cons to it? THANKS AND 10 POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER I SWEAR also, what are the pros and cons to turbines? […]
Q&A: What are the negative impacts, if any, of geothermal energy on the environment?
Question by Henry: What are the negative impacts, if any, of geothermal energy on the environment? What are the negative impacts, if any, of geothermal energy on the environment? Best answer: Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Oil Spill – Inside Documents Show $ More Important Than Lives, Environment
See the documents here: www.huffingtonpost.com TYT on Facebook: www.facebook.com Special Promotion: www.netflix.com TYT’s New Movie Review Channel: www.youtube.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com Check Out TYT Interviews www.youtube.com Watch more at www.theyoungturks.com Video Rating: 4 / 5
About this oil spill. If the Obama administration is such a green group, wanting to protect the environment ..?
Question by fineDayguy: About this oil spill. If the Obama administration is such a green group, wanting to protect the environment ..? … why has Obama done nothing to contain this oil spill? It has been close to 2 weeks since the rig exploded and sunk and now the oil is washing up on shore […]
Why do you think that the recent BP oil spill in the Gulf is an environmental disaster?
Question by Student: Why do you think that the recent BP oil spill in the Gulf is an environmental disaster? Why do you think that the recent BP oil spill in the Gulf is an environmental disaster? Best answer: Answer by BillFor one the oil in the gulf is bad because we know it will […]
Missouri energy policy needs to balance economic, environmental interests, says Nixon
Missouri energy policy needs to balance economic, environmental interests, says Nixon Gov. Jay Nixon emphasized the need to balance economic and environmental interests on Friday, as he laid out a plan for the state’s energy future. Read more on St. Louis Beacon TVA releases draft energy mix plan with more nuclear power TVA has just […]
New Wind Turbine Design Good for Rural, Urban Environment
Wind power is one of the fastest growing forms of alternative energy in the world. More and more, wind power mills are seen in the countryside, in large wind farms and for the most part, away from city life. But a new form of wind power is now designed to work in an urban environment. […]
Was the Oil Rig Blast disaster caused by Muslin Extremest for environmental terrorism?
Oil Rig terrorist attack known by Obama being keep quiet. The Muslin(s) working on the big rig may have caused the blast. The Obama Regime is putting a lid on it with silence. The truth will leak out, but not until the damage is done and the dems can use the spill to stop oil […]
How does saving water and saving energy protect our environment?
I know we should all play our part in conserving water and electricity but how does it affect our environment? can someone give me a summary so i can help others around me understand why they should play their role too?
Wind Farms Environmentally Beneficial?
I have a debate coming up about the Wolfe Island Wind Turbine Project (The second largest wind farm in Canada). The debate is whether or not the Wolfe Island Wind Project, as well as wind turbines in general, are beneficial to the environment or not. I know there are the simple answers that wind power […]
Compare the concequences to the environment of using an electric and a hybrid car?
Any help appreciated !
Dr. Andrew Thomson, CEO, BEC (Business Environment Council) DSC_5955
Image taken on 2009-11-26 11:48:49 by \!/_PeacePlusOne.
What are the negative effects of hydroelectric power and dams on the environment?
SAFE Fencing System – A Fence that Protects Your Property, the Environment, and Your Wallet
EarthSure, a renewable energy company and innovator in alternative energy sources announces the latest patent-pending renewable energy invention. Solar Alternative Functioning Energy (SAFE) Fencing System, is an earth-friendly fencing configuration made out of recycled PVC that not only protects the owners property, it also collects the suns rays and transforms them into renewable energy! This […]
3 Finger Salute of CSR delivered by Dr. Andrew Thomson, BEC (Business Environment Council) DSC_5943
Image taken on 2009-11-26 10:43:56 by \!/_PeacePlusOne.
Science & Environmental Facts : Will Nuclear Energy Ever Run Out?
Nuclear energy will run out if it continues to be produced using uranium and nuclear fission. If people can harness the power of nuclear fusion though, the supply of hydrogen required is virtually endless. Find out more about the process of creating nuclear energy with information from a math and science teacher in this free […]