The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

5 Responses

  1. It isn’t – it’s an accident fuelled by media hysteria and the desire of a US President to not appear as indifferent to problems as his predecessor

  2. It’s not a disaster.
    Crude oil is as natural as salty water.
    Mother earth will handle it her own way.

  3. The real disaster has been the deepwater drilling moratorium (which has also almost paralyzed shallow water operations) and pretty well the entire response of the Obama administration to the blowout & spill.

  4. I don’t and the current state of the environment seems to reflect that view. Little to no effect is seen on the barrier islands, in the bays or in the wetlands as a result of the spill. The continual loss of wetlands over the last several decades is a far worse environmental disaster and now the state of La is trying to make BP pay for what the state has screwed up.

Why do you think that the recent BP oil spill in the Gulf is an environmental disaster?

Question by Student: Why do you think that the recent BP oil spill in the Gulf is an environmental disaster?
Why do you think that the recent BP oil spill in the Gulf is an environmental disaster?

Best answer:

Answer by Bill
For one the oil in the gulf is bad because we know it will have bad effect on ecological system

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!