The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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8 Responses

  1. i love conspiracies i concur its a massive cover up buy the arterian race in league with the templars to kill all the mexicans.

  2. There might actually be something to that. I heard that SWAT teams have been sent to other oil rigs in the Gulf, and that Homeland Security is getting involved in the investigation. Then there was the oil rig that toppled over today near New Orleans.

    Coincidence? Maybe. But the info slowly trickling out ( no pun intended) suggestes otherwise.

  3. It was part of the Reptilian Agenda, Obama shapeshifted into an all powerful omnipotent Reptilian being, his true form and used his powers of levitation to fly to the location of the rig. Then using telekinetic exposive powers caused an anti matter explosion and reported back to the Vatican, the Masons, and World Bank.

Was the Oil Rig Blast disaster caused by Muslin Extremest for environmental terrorism?

Oil Rig terrorist attack known by Obama being keep quiet.
The Muslin(s) working on the big rig may have caused the blast. The Obama Regime is putting a lid on it with silence. The truth will leak out, but not until the damage is done and the dems can use the spill to stop oil production off our Gulf Coast. There seems to be no end to the conspiracies