The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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25 Responses

  1. BP needs to get its stuff together becuase the gulf still isnt the same

  2. We have no choices. We vote for A or B. They are owned by the same people. Go watch some NFL. Go watch some UFC. Stay entertained so you can’t see us fucking you in the ass. WE OWN YOU. There is no choice. But if you want a bagel you can have 46 flavors and 12 flavors of cream cheese.

  3. phoenixrisingfromthegulf.wordpress.c o m/2010/12/01/the-gulf-of-mexico-is-dying/

  4. The governments are meant to represent us, but due to the fact that they need to protect jobs they are in a catch 22 and are unable to do this effectively.

    We can’t count on them.

    Corporations (read: the execs), true to their nature, will only look at the bottom line because that is all they are concerned about.

    A company owned and operated by the workers on the rig itself wouldn’t have been pushed as hard for profits at the expense of safety.

    BP is irresponsible.

  5. Where is the US Navy?  Protecting some Bankers war abroad. I haven’t seen one single military ship in the area! Patriot Act and Homeland Security SUCK!

    { Gulf oil Anaimals in the White House }
    If you can handle the truth?

  7. Like Henry Ford said all fossil fuels used in the world today should have long ago been replaced with biodiesel fuel made from hemp.

  8. My question is, why choose to use a TOXIC dispersant ie. Corexit that disperses and sinks, creating deposits on the sea bed? Surely this product not only constitutes as a sinking agent but also as a HIGHLY TOXIC SINKING AGENT? Black D is NON TOXIC and 100% FLOATS when in contact with oil. Please can someone from the EPA clarify? Check out Black D Oil Spill Response

  9. @Mr2wings My question is, why choose to use a TOXIC dispersant ie. Corexit that disperses and sinks, creating deposits on the sea bed? Surely this product not only constitutes as a sinking agent but also as a HIGHLY TOXIC SINKING AGENT? Black D is NON TOXIC and 100% FLOATS when in contact with oil. Please can someone from the EPA clarify? Check out Black D Oil Spill Response

  10. @SUPERSHARING if we stop buying bp then bp will have no money to clean up the gulf.

  11. @Mr2wings Hey ass-hat imitating the biggest loser on our planet, Obama is not an environmentalist… Uncle scam would never allow one of his puppets to respect the environment.

  12. @Mr2wings Hey ass-hat imitating the biggest loser on our planet, Obama is not an environmentalist… Uncle scam would never allow one of his puppets to respect the environment..

  13. @Mr2wings Hey ass-hat imitating the biggest loser on the planet, NEWS FLASH :: Obama is not an environmentalist… Your Uncle scam would never allow a puppet who doesn’t entertain the interest of big oil above our environment. …

  14. @Mr2wings Hey ass-hat imitating the biggest loser on the planet, NEWS FLASH :: Obama is not an environmentalist… Your Uncle scam would never allow a puppet who doesn’t entertain the interest of big oil above our environment. …

  15. I have the solution to the Oil Spill. I need you to help forward my videos into the hands of every one of your friends and/or someone at the White House or BP. My solution will work, NO DOUBT! Please Help before all Sea life dies out in the Gulf of Mexico. GET INVOLVED NOW! Go watch my videos on my home page (in two parts) now and pass on to everyone you know. Solving this leak will require your help and all you need to do is forward this video! 225-718-8830

  16. Nero played the fiddle when he burnt ROme…….Cheney is playing a fiddle now and this rig is burning. Cheney’s back door deal to not require a special pump to save 500,000 dollars.

  17. Don’t fear the oil, fear the 1 million gallons of chemical disbursement they sprayed onn the oil. Do not eat any of the fish!

  18. Hey liberals, how is that enviromentalist Obama working out for you. Miss me yet
    George W Bush

  19. Planetresource net has a Eco friendly solution to clean up the tragedy British Petroleum has created,
    please watch the youtube video title “COMPLETE CLEAN UP OF THE GULF SPILL” by PRR7075
    and pass this along to as many people as you know.

    One person can still make a difference in this world, is that simple interactions have a rippling effect. Each time this gets pass along, the hope in cleaning our planet is passed on.

  20. I have the solution to the Oil Spill. I need you to help forward my videos into the hands of every one of your friends and/or someone at the White House or BP. My solution will work, NO DOUBT! Please Help before all Sea life dies out in the Gulf of Mexico. GET INVOLVED NOW! Go watch my videos on my home page (in two parts) now and pass on to everyone you know. Solving this leak will require your help and all you need to do is forward this video! 225-718-8830

  21. Republicans (GOP=Grand Oil Party) Dick(wad) Ch-Cheney did everything he could behind closed doors to open up deregulated off shore drilling. Shills deny he still owner interest in Halliburton. That is a lie. Tony Hayward, CEO of BP should go partridge hunting with Dick(wad) Ch-Cheney. My onlu hope would be for the “Dick’s” heart to finally give out after he loads Hayward’s face with birdshot~

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