The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

12 Years After Fukushima Disaster, 35k Tons of Fukushima Sewage Sludge Still Being Stored!

Fukushima Sewage Sludge Kanto Japan Disaster

12 Years After Fukushima Disaster, Unresolved Radioactive Legacy: Almost 35k Tons of Fukushima Sewage Sludge Still Being Stored in Kanto Region! The aftermath of the Fukushima disaster continues to haunt Japan as 34,200 metric tons of radioactive sewage sludge remain stored in the Kanto region, 12 years after the catastrophic nuclear meltdown, according to an […]

Is a nuclear salt rocket the only viable method of reaching exoplanets?

Is a nuclear salt rocket the only viable method of reaching exoplanets

Is a nuclear salt rocket the only viable method of reaching exoplanets?  6 people from different backgrounds weigh in with their opinion about Nuclear Salt Rockets.  Simon Bridge “Do not doubt what I say because I am mad, I am mad because what I say is true.“ No. Nuclear salt rocket is not even a viable […]

What is Three Mile Island and what really happened?

Three Mile Island Disaster Nuclear Three Eyed Fish Mutation

The US Nuclear Regulation Commission states that the the plant experienced a failure in the secondary non-nuclear section of the plant, one or two reactors on the site. Either a mechanical or electrical failure prevented the main feedwater pumps, component in the animated diagram, from sending water to the steam generators that remove heat from the reactor core. This caused the plant’s turbine

Nuclear Energy Documentary

An Objective Analysis of Nuclear Energy (Nuclear Power). Bibliography:… Video Rating: 5 / 5

Nuclear Fission Reactor Design

General approach to design of nuclear fission reactors and the different types. Hey Guys! I have a Mod Tutorial and build for you! Nuclear reactor time! And I just created a new intro and a name!! Please leave a comment for ideas in the …

Documentary Films: The History of Nuclear Power

Documentary Films: The History of Nuclear Power How do nuclear power plants work to ensure absolute safety? To answer this question constantly tossed up in e… Video Rating: 2 / 5 The Dumbest thing ever said about Nuclear Power? Well it was when I had only watched one or two of his videos, or some […]

Nuclear energy: the debate Australia has to have

Part 5 of Science and Technology Australia’s Topical Science Forums, a joint initiative with Inspiring Australia. ABC 666 morning host Genevieve Jacobs talks… This animation explains nuclear power plants in detail and how they work. Contents 1) Important buildings (e.g. cooling tower, containment building) 2) Struc… Video Rating: 4 / 5

Voltz part 7 {Fission Power}

Solar power is main to be more powerful. USA, Russia, U.K, France, China | Nuclear Power Comparison Nuclear power, or nuclear energy, is the use of exothermic nuclear processes, to generate useful h…

News : Why you should fear the creatures in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

The recent white wash at the NRC & Senate hearing on Fukushima was the last straw for me . Chat room & info by and for the Fukushima Hounds . Fukushima… Video Rating: 4 / 5 The Leadership of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Part 1 of 2) – House Oversight Committee – 2011-12-14 – […]