The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

36 Responses

  1. Another greener energy that is much safer than Nuclear power is water
    turbines and dams. A water turbine can drive a magnet rotor in the same way
    as a steam turbine. Also without the dangers or risks of what can happen
    with Nuclear power. So why don’t all energy companies adopt this safer
    method of producing electricity? Its also cheaper than using Coal, Gas and
    Nuclear put together.

  2. When she’s complaining about water consumption… Not a problem now xD the
    glaciers are melting! We need to use more ocean water or the freaking
    coasts will be flooding! Plus… All the water on earth has been here since
    the planet had it… Its the same shit dinosaurs drank… We don’t need to
    worry about future generations because they’ll have the water that has been
    here since the planet even had water.

  3. I very much like the comments here! :) Wake up, environmentalists – you
    need something better than a creepy music, messed up frames and some bush
    onions combined with some random big numbers… that tells nothing, to full
    everyone that everything nuclear is simply bad and poisonous and should be
    Yes i agree that mismanagement in the nuclear sector can lead to some
    troubles sometimes, but it’s the management who is responsible, not like
    with coal – they spill everything out and they do NOT care – it is that
    simple… And the pollution there is millions of times higher!

    It was still an interesting movie :) sad it lacked so much data due to the
    author’s propaganda goals.

  4. GAMMA RADIATION!?!?!??! No. That idiot would be dead if it was Gamma
    radiation. In the first 60 seconds they demonstrate complete ignorance of
    the very thing they are afraid of. If they understood how it worked they
    would not be so afraid.

  5. What the ever loving fuck is that guys problem… If the tailings were
    underground in the first place just mixed with the uranium it’s the same on
    the surface as it is underground, just so long as it’s kept away from
    people why should you care! Jesus… Uh I mean cheese-its…

  6. 2 million electron volts for a fission fast neutron.. That’s true..
    2 electron volts for a photon.. That’s true (for visual light)
    So? I don’t see the point.. Next they will tell us to stay away from
    microwave manufacture plants.. Just jiggle some numbers while comparing
    them with your car radio..
    Silly people with hand held things that bleep.. Sad.

  7. Documentary Films: The History of Nuclear Power

    How do nuclear power plants work to ensure absolute safety? To answer this
    question constantly tossed up in environmental forums, it may be best to
    understand what goes behind doors of a nuclear power plant. In many
    developing nations, nuclear energy is a major source of electricity as it
    claims to be safe whilst producing sufficient levels to meet their needs.
    Since coal and oil are considered depleting resources, the drive to explore
    nuclear energy as an alternative source is more evident than ever.

    The mere mention of a nuclear power plant normally draws mixed reactions.
    Perhaps due to historical events which are still rearing ugly heads, pun
    intended, in this current day and age, many may be hesitant to support the
    building of one in their neighborhood. Whether it is the fear of seeing
    over-sized farm animals, glow-in-the-dark residents or setting off Geiger
    meters, nuclear energy is becoming more of a reality. To put fluttering
    hearts at ease, strict rules and procedures are imposed in the running of a
    nuclear power plant. In ensuring safety within the plant as well as
    surrounding areas, it is considered to be a safer technology as compared to
    conventional methods.

    How do nuclear power plants work to generate the electricity supply?
    Leaving a lump of radioactive material on its own is not the solution as it
    breaks down and emits rays, not electrical charges. Other than endangering
    those in close proximity, this is obviously not the solution sought. When
    radioactive material breaks down, it is known as the fission process. When
    this happens, a tremendous amount of heat is released. To manage the
    heating process, water is used to control the temperature hike. As the
    water is heated, it is converted into steam. This is then pumped into a
    turbine which turns like a waterwheel placed atop a flowing river.
    Electricity is thus the final outcome and sent to a power grid or plant.

    Although the above covers the gist of the matter, it is not as simple in
    actual fact. Many levels and mechanisms of control need to be implemented
    to ensure smooth and safe operations at all times. Since radioactive
    material is the mainstay of the process, careful control over its behavior
    is crucial. If too much heat is generated, there must be methods to slow
    down the fission process. This is normally done via control rods which are
    lowered into the core to absorb the neutrons. By pumping pressurized water
    into the reactor to cool it down, the process is also slowed down.
    Uncontrolled overheating can result in reactor meltdown, an unfortunate
    incident in the dark annals of history.

  8. YT is really messing up at the moment. First the video appeared only as
    audio. Video appeared later. Now I can add annotations, but i cant
    actually see the video Im adding them too. If the annotations look a
    little raggity, thats why!

  9. Didn’t Chernobyl explode? i rest my case and parts of Wales were
    contaminated with fall out

  10. “What can you do with a really dense metal?”

    Well non-scientificly, I can smack people in the head with it for self
    defense, thats a good use right?

  11. I live in California. If it’s a waste land, no one has told me or the
    millions of other people here.

  12. Its not the radiation, its the waste, storing of the waste, and the
    potential for a meltdown that drives people crazy… all ignorance aside.
    Fukashima and Chernobyl are only two horrible disasters and look at the
    repercussions from just two. Nuclear Power Plants are simply an excessively
    dangerous way to boil water.

  13. That direct assault on Infowars and essentially creating a strawman to tell
    a controlled narrative.

    Infowars is usually pretty right on. You would be shocked that your govt
    actually admits to most of the crazy shit they do but usually decades after
    the fact and most people are too stupid to actually research stuff like
    Operation Northwoods.

    Fluoride shield isn’t even anything about radiation. Plus I would expect
    even vitamin bottles and stuff in that isle in the store to have a similiar
    disclaimer for legal reasons. Same reason sex toys are sold as “novelties”.

    Nice NPR voice, but beyond that Im wondering why go out of the way to talk
    bad about infowars, one of the few indie media outlets actually talking
    about whats going on out there. Don’t laugh at there fear of global bankers
    and industrialists since they have always been doing shit since the type of
    people have existed.

    Also about half the USA reactors are leaking and some have had so many
    issues they have turned alarms off since they are annoying and scary.

  14. I have 3 concerns with nuclear power (as a layman):
    1) I think the technology is capable of being used safely, but I don’t
    trust the corporations to use it safely. The bottom line (profits) always
    pressures men to take risks (whether with others money, or their lives).
    So, I would want a virtually fail-proof system of regulation to make sure
    they use the technology properly, and then continue to monitor that they
    don’t ever misuse the technology.
    2) As far as I know, we still haven’t come up with a good long-term
    solution on what to do with the radioactive waste. As, again as far as my
    understanding goes, it isn’t a little bit of waste, but it adds up to a lot
    over time. So, while this may not be a huge problem atm, if we look to
    nuclear power as our future, it sure is going to be a problem.
    3) I am unsure if we have enough raw radioactive material to power the
    world for thousands of years (or more). So, I don’t know if this is going
    to be the long-term solution we are looking for. Given that our needs will
    continue to accelerate (especially when oil and natural gas start becoming
    scarcer in a century or so), I don’t know if this is really the direction
    we need to go, or if we need to focus more on finding a renewable source of
    energy…and just use nuclear as a last resort.

  15. this video is deluded, radiation is quite deadly mate, just because you
    dont know anything about it doesnt mean it is harmless. 

  16. “The paranoid rumblings of crazies” (in a queer ass British fagcent). You
    know they don’t even know how to turn a nuclear reactor off but they’re
    just using them anyway, right?

  17. I realize that I’m mostly preaching to the choir for those watching this
    video, but there is an extremely important point as to the safety of
    nuclear power that I have yet to have a single critic answer:

    If nuclear power is so unsafe, why is it that the engineers who designed
    and built the power plant are the least afraid people to actually work
    there during operation?

  18. +Thunderf00t Pardon my ignorance, it seems these bozos are talking out of
    their rear, but is comparing 4 parts per million to relatively pure u-238
    the paranoid guy was talking about, a poor comparison?

  19. Depleted uranium is use to make tank ammunition. They figured out that when
    fired at a hard target such as another tank, it goes right through the
    steel plaiting no matter how thick it is!

  20. I’m sorry if someone has said this already, BUT WHAT THE F*CK DOES IT MEAN
    THAT IODINE 131 HAS A HALF LIFE OF 8 DAYS??? uranium 238 has a half-life of
    40 billion years! there is a radioisotope that has a half life of 2
    miliseconds! why does it matter that Iodine has a half life of 8 days?
    that’s very short!

  21. that ‘idiot’ sounds Irish to me…. case closed haha kudos to the man that
    made this vid, packed full of REAL information :)

  22. The issue I have with nuclear generation. Is the disposal and storage of
    both the Uranium 235 and the nuclear waste generated from the enrichment
    process. You don’t have to be a nuclear physicist to know that the stuff
    needs to be stored properly or Illnesses will occur, and has in some
    places. If all things are managed as they should be and not cut to the bare
    bones due to corporate greed. Then I think nuclear has a good future
    especially when it does have some fundamental uses such as in nuclear
    medicine. Which have allowed us to treat many diseases and given us ways to
    diagnose them.

  23. FDA approves drugs for medical use. Those drugs have to go through a set of
    very expensive experimental phases including human testing to be available
    for the public. Those that carry a risk are prescription only.

    Supplements on the other hand and are legally required to have that
    statement on them because they are not medicine. I have taken many sports
    related supplements, including very well researched Creatine Monohydrate
    and supplements from GMP approved FDA inspected facilities, and all of them
    carry that statement. I am somewhat disappointed in Thunderf00t because he
    either hasn’t done his research or just cherry picked that statement to use
    against that guy. While it clearly looks like a bogus supplement, the
    inclusion of FDA statement has nothing to do with it.

  24. If the waste from Nuclear reactors was so safe then why does the government
    bury it miles underground under mountains? Also the reason why all the
    radioactive material underground didn’t harm the earth was most likely
    because what it was buried under was acting like a shield. There is
    something not quite rights about this video. Have you ever heard of the
    Radium girls. Women who worked in a factory painting things with radium
    died of radiation poisoning. Of course they licked the brushes but still.
    Your video gives off this idea that radioactive materials are safe. Which
    is not the case. I wouldn’t want to be exposed to any of them. Though I
    agree some people do tend to over react. But there is danger there.

  25. So what you are trying to say is that my rifts rpg character should still
    be alive because the nuclear battery my friends power suit ran off of
    should never had exploded? Bummer! 

  26. ok you used alex jones as an example of fear mongering. fine. but the
    problem is do you really believe the fda in every matter? why is it the fda
    passes drugs for sale for human consumption that, 6 months later are not
    only being recalled but also the subject of class action lawsuits? Hell, if
    you look at what is mandated on food labels by the fda you only have to
    question why only protein, vitamin A and C and iron are listed. and how
    quickly we forget things like ‘tysongate’ where fda officials were caught
    being paid off to look the other way from the chicken processor’s
    mismanagemant of food handling laws…

  27. How much do you need to turn into a super mutant or a ghoul? That would be

Documentary Films: The History of Nuclear Power

Documentary Films: The History of Nuclear Power How do nuclear power plants work to ensure absolute safety? To answer this question constantly tossed up in e…
Video Rating: 2 / 5

The Dumbest thing ever said about Nuclear Power? Well it was when I had only watched one or two of his videos, or some of the other videos about fukushima. N…
Video Rating: 4 / 5