The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

14 Responses

  1. can you make a tutorial video on how to make a cubic reactor instead of a
    flat one

  2. Does anyone know how to use a turbine beacuse when i put a steam grate
    under it with my reactor next to it with a resovoir going under the boilers
    and the steam lines coming out the top it doesnt work steam comes out of
    the grate but the turbine dont work

  3. The central control also triggers a SCRAM if it exceeds 800C, making it
    essential as a safety feature.

  4. Awesome. Betcha there’s a way to clean it up, though. Know any ways to make
    it look.good?

  5. I am going to make neutrons go through reflectors, as they are nullifying
    the need for insulation.

  6. “A nightmare”…
    Have you not tried building vertical reactors? They can be stacked in

ReactorCraft Tutorial #6.1 – 12 Core Fission Reactor

In this video I show you a 12 Core Fission reactor which can run 6 turbines at full power. I will do a video about reactor failure soon, that will be fun. Pa…
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