The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

8 Responses

  1. Some good information, but edited to be as anti-nuclear as truth would
    allow. What’s missing is an explanation that high radiation levels equates
    to shorter half-lives. The most harmful waste products are gone in days,
    weeks, or decades. Most lead used to be U-235, for example.

    Dr. Nye should also cover radiological hormesis vs the LNT fallacies which
    have become political laws (not real science), and reprocessing of fuel
    rods which the USA used to do – which is the answer to nuclear waste he’s
    looking for but refusing to acknowledge. Perhaps he should go to Asia in
    the future…

  2. How did this anti-science guy ever get a TV show? Next he will be telling
    us homeopathy should replace flu vaccines.

  3. “We’re not talkin’ about potato salad left out in the sun! We’re talkin’
    about plutonium!” lol

The Eyes of Nye – Nuclear Energy

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