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Suppose NASA scientists find an asteroid that may collide with the Earth in 2029?

Question by cosmo: Suppose NASA scientists find an asteroid that may collide with the Earth in 2029?
It’s a pretty big one, 10 miles across, big enough to cause mass extinctions but not to wipe out all life on Earth. NASA scientists believe it has a 90% chance of hitting the Earth. This calculation is confirmed by scientists from all over the world, but some think the chance is a little higher, and some think the chance is a little lower. One professor from MIT thinks the chance of it hitting the Earth is only 5%. A number of high-school physics teachers say that there’s no chance at all—it’s not going to hit the Earth at all. Some religious leaders say there’s no need to worry—God will protect us.

Al Gore puts forward a proposal to deflect the trajectory of the asteroid. The plan will cost 4 Trillion dollars, to set up a base on the asteroid with an ion rocket to nudge it out of its current orbit. The plan will be paid for by a special tax on people all over the world.

Do you:

a) Deny that there is a potential problem.
b) Denounce the whole project as a hoax and conspiracy to deprive us of our freedoms.
c) Ask for additional studies to confirm if there is a problem.
d) Get with the program, and do your part to possibly save the Earth.

Best answer:

Answer by God can kiss by butt :P
I’d do C. We should confirm it, and try something less pricey. Maybe we can just nuke the asteroid, we have plenty of those.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!