The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

Nuclear Energy Documentary

An Objective Analysis of Nuclear Energy (Nuclear Power). Bibliography:… Video Rating: 5 / 5

From Forest to Fuel Tank

Researchers at the University of Georgia have developed a “super strain” of yeast that can efficiently ferment ethanol from pretreated

VASIMR at Full Power

This video shows the startup of the VASIMR 1st stage over 5 seconds, the increasing power of the second stage

Hydrogen will replace fossil fuels

Convert Your Car to Run on Water! Download Plans and Instructions. Hydrogen Fuel Saving Devices On-line Shop: Fac…

Nicola Tesla Secret

Nicola Tesla Secret – Commonly known as the Nicola Tesla Secret E book, this e book teaches you all

12 Volt Solar Panels

12 volt solar panels are often used in marine and RV appliance, or for car battery maintenance, field Communication radios,

Tiger Dam Flood Control System

Tiger Dam Flood Control System is the world’s #1 flood protection product. Easy to assemble, reusable and environmentally friendly, the

ION ENGINE/ two emitters

This three inch diameter cone and cylinder emitter unit was the first to use the pulse generator inside the emitters.

Creative solar alternative

Upresentation is the biggest base of powerpoint templates on the Internet. Thousands of free templates are waiting for you. To

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