The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

9 Responses

  1. @Takua38000 oh I agree new tech is in order… But using the CO2 level is not going to motivate anyone when they know the facts… I’m horrible with mechanics… but I wish more people had liked the idea of compressed air as fuel for a vehicle…

  2. @Takua38000 then its too late… even if everyone in the world stoped using fosile fules today… it would only change the CO2 level by .000003% in 50 years.

  3. @harveybirdmannequin
    Regardless of who’s to blame we’re all in this together. Some estimates put that if we cannot begin reversing the amount of CO2 by 2015, beyond that point, it is possible that climate change can be beyond our ability to control.

  4. The whole goddamn world is ‘forced’ to use petroleum because nobody fux with OPEC’s bottom line.

  5. where is the media on NIKOLA TESLA whos dream was to supply every household with FREE ENERGY and created the technology!! the corporatists didnt seem like that very much for obvious reasons, so they buried and suppressed his technology and instead we are now stuck paying monthly energy bills up the a**. Gotta love good ol’ American fascism

  6. the coal energy extraction is built on 18 century technology , and there is a massive wast in the heat produced

  7. Typical American blaming your problems on someone else. Oh sure, it’s all China’s and India’s fault. The USA uses by far the most energy on a per capita basis but oh no, we can’t let China & India’s 2.5 billion people enjoy a higher standard of living that they worked for. Nope, Americans won’t give up unnecessary luxuries so others can have necessities.
    How about China’s stops manufacturing for the world and prices for all goods skyrocket? That’s one way of reducing China’s emissions.

The Truth About A Taboo Subject: Nuclear Power Peoples Action for Clean Energy Annual Awards

A Critical Analysis of France’s Nuclear Power:

France’s nuclear power program has long been hailed as a success story in the global energy landscape. However, a closer examination reveals a different narrative, one that challenges the notion of nuclear power as a sustainable and safe energy solution. In a recent address at the Peoples Action for Clean Energy Annual Awards, renowned environmentalist Linda Gunter delivered a thought-provoking critique of France’s nuclear endeavors, shedding light on the hidden realities obscured by industry rhetoric.

In his address, Linda Gunter dismantles the myth of France’s nuclear success, debunking the claims propagated by high-profile figures, including former President Barack Obama. Contrary to popular belief, France’s reliance on nuclear power does not equate to energy independence or environmental sustainability. Instead, it comes at a significant cost to both human health and the environment.

One of the most startling revelations presented by Linda Gunter is the extent of nuclear waste mismanagement in France. Despite claims of waste recycling, the reality is far from ideal. Radioactive waste, including plutonium, is irresponsibly disposed of, posing a grave risk to public health. Furthermore, the process of waste reprocessing leads to the release of harmful radioactive gases into the atmosphere, contributing to widespread contamination of surrounding communities.

Moreover, France’s nuclear ambitions extend beyond its borders, with the exploitation of uranium mines in Africa raising concerns about environmental degradation and human rights abuses. The impact of uranium mining on local communities, particularly indigenous populations, is often overlooked in discussions surrounding nuclear energy.

In light of these revelations, Linda Gunter calls for a reassessment of nuclear power as a viable energy solution. Rather than blindly embracing nuclear energy as a panacea for our energy needs, there is an urgent need for critical reflection and accountability. The risks associated with nuclear power, from waste disposal to uranium mining, cannot be ignored or trivialized.

To drive change, Linda Gunter urges individuals to take action and demand accountability from policymakers. By voicing opposition to nuclear power and advocating for sustainable alternatives, we can pave the way towards a cleaner, safer energy future for generations to come.

  1. France’s nuclear success story is built on a foundation of misinformation and industry propaganda.
  2. Claims of waste recycling in France are deceptive, with radioactive waste posing a significant threat to public health.
  3. The disposal of nuclear waste, including plutonium, raises serious concerns about environmental contamination and human rights violations.
  4. France’s reliance on uranium mining in Africa perpetuates environmental degradation and exploitation of indigenous communities.
  5. The release of radioactive gases during waste reprocessing contributes to widespread contamination of surrounding areas.
  6. Nuclear energy cannot be considered a sustainable or safe solution to our energy needs, given its inherent risks and environmental impacts.
  7. Policymakers must prioritize transparency and accountability in nuclear energy decision-making processes.
  8. Individuals have a responsibility to educate themselves about the true costs of nuclear power and advocate for sustainable alternatives.
  9. Environmental justice must be at the forefront of discussions surrounding nuclear energy, particularly in marginalized communities affected by its consequences.
  10. By standing united against nuclear power and demanding action from policymakers, we can create a more sustainable and equitable energy future.

This is a wake-up call, challenging us to question the prevailing narrative surrounding nuclear power and advocate for a more responsible and sustainable approach to energy production. It is only through informed action and collective advocacy that we can safeguard the health of our planet and future generations.

Linda Gunter France Nuclear Power Plant Truth
Linda Gunter France Nuclear Power Plant Truth
Linda Gunter France Nuclear Power Plant Truth