The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. On Monday our government is allowing in beef from countries know to have Bovine spongiform encephalopathy(BSE),Mad cows desease. We were one of the few major beef exporting countries to be free of this desease. but what is worse is that if infected beef is consumed by humans it causes a desease called CreutzfeldtJakob disease which has a long incubation period 30 years & is undetectable. Should a blood donor carry this desease how many could be infected. I ask you who are the real terrorists?

  2. its unfortunate but I fear you are correct … I wish I had a good argument against the opinions you express, but there is too much proof out there that supports your argument … we may very soon be left with no other choice but street action against the tyrants … though I prefer the Poland model over the Romanian one, there are some that should be given the Mussolini treatment …

  3. Hydrogen is not a good way to store energy long term. Its atoms are so small they gradually leak out between the atoms of the material containing them. The higher the pressure or larger the surface area, the greater the losses. A pipe has a very large surface area. If you bond them with carbon the problem is reduced, but you then have CO2 emmissions when you burn them.

  4. The Government already has the problem of the population thinking covered. They put Flouride in your water so that you will permantly lose the ability to think. Why do you think the Sheeple in both our countries vote in the same two parties who screw us everytime, every election? Realise the government is the enemy of the people. The problems you face everyday are their doing. Your forefathers knew this that why they put the right to bare arms into your constitution.

  5. News

    OpenHydro successfully deploys 1MW commercial tidal turbine in the Bay of Fundy OpenHydro Press Release (17/11/09)

    The world is now witnessing the emergence of a new renewable energy market with the announcement that Irish company OpenHydro, has successfully deployed the first commercial scale in-stream tidal turbine in the Bay of Fundy, Canada, on behalf of its customer, Nova Scotia Power.

  6. Forget the tankers,if the pressure of the gas is high enough to fill a tanker it should be high enough to push it up a pipeline, even if it has to be pumped there would be less energy used than would be consumed in building a fleet of super-cooled tankers. The U.K. gets most of it’s natural gas from the north sea through really long pipelines that run the length of the country, so a pipeline from the gulf stream to your east coast should not be to hard to engineer and a lot simpler

  7. in my vision, these things are out in the gulf stream … few hundred miles off shore … too far to make pumping practical … want to use depth to compress to save energy … so the tanker ships would pull up filled tanks of already compressed gas … anyway, that is my plan … if you got a better one, lets hear it … had hoped to stimulate such discussion …

  8. Why not use a pipeline to bring the hydrogen ashore? instead of a tanker, would be more efficient and we already have the technology to do it.

  9. Every little bit helps. If people hear something once it tends to be ignored or forgotten. But if they here it over and over from multiple people and sources. People who gain no advantage from informing them, then it tends to sink in and help educate.
    Im sure you know the right thing to do.

  10. I will consider your argument … my own opinion is that there are enough folks out there with voices louder than my own who have taken up these issues and are slowly making progress … however, I am one of very few who come at it from the energy resources angle … so I may be able to contribute more in my own limited sphere of influence than I could if I took on the broader fight … just dont know …

  11. These issues are as important if not more important that your alternative energy work. A new channel wont have the same following and exposure that you main channel has. Cant you see that this is all part of the same issue. The people who supress alternative energy are the same people who are brain damaging and slowly poisoning the people. If humans live in harmony with the environment there is no case to limit their numbers, no need for a NWO to control every aspect of our lives and deaths.

  12. I have another YouTube channel that I just have not had time to activate … frankly, my alternative energy rants take so much of my time … but I do have opinions on such matters and may at some point expose my latent political fangs using this alternative channel … time is the enemy …

  13. Good comment, What about the mercury in vaccinations. The polysorbate 80 in gardasil (cervical-cancer vaccine) Proven to cause infertility in mice and give to human females at just the perfect time as their cervex is developing when they reach child bearing age. What about the growth Hormones in the Milk given to babies and the GMOs that all cause cancer etc etc. We are in the middle of a human cull, but most are too brain damaged to know or care.

  14. this was simply a thought experiment to get people thinking of alternatives that could be deployed now, not 10 years from now … you are of course correct … the US could fuel its needs for many generations on geothermal … but I live on the east coast where there is not easy access to geothermal and population density is too much for wind farms … so water turbines look pretty good to me …

  15. Why tidal generators? Read up on untapped geothermal resources in the US. MIT did a comprehensive study on easily tapped geothermal in the US and came to the conclusion that there was enough readily available energy to supply all the power needs of the US for over 200 years. Energy generated on land and close to the centers of demand will always make more sense that an idea that is always out to sea like tidal generators. Look at Australias Hot Rock technology being developed at Coopers Basin.

  16. Wish I could be there, but my nephew and I have to finish his science fair project tonight. We are building a simple electrolysis device. Hopefully, I’ll get a video when he presents it.

  17. I hope you will attend the show on Thursday and be prepared to represent that point of view … but do your homework so you can represent it honorably … if is one of many possibilities that should be discussed …

  18. sorry you will miss the live presentation … I hope to have a good crowd at this show who will argue both for and against my proposal … hopefully, some will offer their own ideas of currently available technologies that could be deployed now … but the show will be recorded if USTREAM cooperates so you should be able to catch it as a re-run …

  19. Unfortunately I work from 4;30 to 9pm Central, so not sure I can make it in time.

  20. ok … working now … musta been one of dem utube thangs … sometimes I think they run the system on Winodoz …

  21. hell no I didnt reject it, I accepted it. I accepted it again. sorry if its f-ed up.

  22. I am nothing more than a primitive backyard experimenter … but I have posted videos demonstrating how easy it is to convert an existing internal combustion engine to run on hydrogen …

    yes, it will require a major change to our infrastructure and ways of thinking to make the transition to a hydrogen economy … I would hope that we decide and start moving in that direction before we end up in a world war over oil …

20100215 – A thought experiment – What if?

Just suppose that instead of spending billions of dollars on insane wars, and trillions of dollars on bailing out greedy bankers who have led us into a financial disaster, we had a government that actually wanted to solve problems? What if our leaders were so enlightened? A thought experiment for your consideration. Generate electricity from tidal forces. Use it to create hydrogen. Move the hydrogen where the energy is needed. It can be done. We have the technology. We don’t need oil. It will take a lot of money to do it. Maybe even as much as we put our grandchildren in debt for bailing out the banks recently. Think of the jobs it would create. Consider that petroleum products with their pollution and other damaging impacts might be nearly eliminated. Consider a world where it was no longer in our “national security interest” to bomb other nations into the stone age in order to acquire their oil resources. My argument is that this is a much better way to spend the money. We should ask nicely that the bankers give us back our trillions of dollars as we have better use for it. And if they don’t agree, nationalize them and press on. We have a lot to do to get out of this jam they have put us in. What do you think? This will be the topic of discussion for Thursday, February 18th 2010 on The SmartScarecrow Show Join us for the discussion at 2100 hrs US EST. alternative energy builders network hydrogen hho hoh hydroxy oxyhydrogen tidal turbine wind solar ebn