Oil Secrets: In the first half of Monday’s show, author Dr. Jerome Corsi discussed how Nazi chemists developed a series of equations during WWII which demonstrated that oil can be formed synthetically. Known as the Fischer-Tropsch equations, they indicated that the mixture of hydrogen and carbon with various catalysts under intense pressure and heat, produced hydrocarbons– such as what is made in the mantle of the Earth on an ongoing basis, he explained. It doesn’t take dead plants or animals, dinosaurs, plankton, algae or former living matter to produce oil, and the Nazis understood this, he continued, adding that some of their scientists were brought over to the US during Operation Paperclip to continue their research after the war. However, documents of their research into Fischer-Tropsch were largely lost or hidden, said Corsi, who suggested that the US government and Big Oil conspired to bury their findings because they didn’t want the public to know that the planet naturally produces oil, abundantly on a deep earth level. The science of abiotic oil continues to be suppressed and ridiculed, while the “fossil fuel” explanation for oil persists. He pointed out that a fossil is not the animal or plant itself, but the structure of the animal or plant typically filled in by various minerals that have hardened into stone over the ages. Corsi reported that the Russians have long been aware of the Fischer-Tropsch process, and this may be why their country has become one of …
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Today, China is the second largest consumer of oil, just after the United States. The Documentary investigates the new world geopolitics that is emerging around the needs of both the world’s leading superpower and the world’s fastest growing economy to secure future supplies of oil. Oil Conspiracy?? Quite Interesting.